
joined 1 year ago
[–] 11 points 10 months ago

I can now only laugh about their past statements of "uwu we are losing dominance as the market leader because we can't compete with apple music on iOS, because they can offer the service for less money uwu"

All while no other service is able to compete with them on android because of their special deal lmao

[–] 1 points 10 months ago (1 children)

There is. In the battery saver settings, while it's off, uncheck chat animations > blur in dark theme

They forgot updating the name I guess but disables transparency in light and dark mode for me

[–] 14 points 11 months ago

They only comply when asked by google/apple because otherwise they risk getting banned on their stores.

That's why they advice you to, on android, download the app via the web. Because there, these companies have no say and the content is unrestricted.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago

Not the one you replied to, but I installed lineageos on a old Samsung tab I had laying around and there's the android native option to 'pin apps' which puts the app before the lockscreen basically until you exit the mode manually, meaning you only need to turn on the screen and it's still protected by password so can't be used for anything else.

For waking, it's in the hallway where I have a hue motion sensor. Whenever the sensor notices movement, it'll send a notification to the tablet with the command to wake the screen and the screen turns on. Pretty easy and straightforward

[–] 6 points 1 year ago (2 children)

I've been doing mobile device management at my last company and we handed out whatever the latest a series was, to our coworkers, for especially the cost and security factor.

And with the A52 I think, they have become really really decent phones in my opinion, I really don't know what the hell the writer is fumbling about.

I mean personally it's not my favorite UI and I would take my pixel any day over it, but it worked so well and was so fluid, for a simple midrange phone. Again, not my cup of tea, but for someone like my mom or whoever just needs a phone for basic social media, calls, texts, decent camera and the web... This is perfectly fine. Now I'd still get her a pixel a series over it because the cam is just perfect imo, but if someone prefers Samsung UI, the a series is incredible.

Plus idk what their current state is but Dex might already be there? Or is coming soon? Judging by the latest Xcover that got it, which also just sports a midrange processor.


How can it be 2023 and this console still fails to keep all of your games updated, or at least offering a button to manually update every game installed by a single click.

It feels like it only checks for updates for the last 15 games or so you played, which is an upgrade over the like 5 on the ps4, but all of a sudden I want to play rb6s with friends, which I haven't played in months and I gotta wait for like 30 GBs of updates first.

Also there's no easy way to update games in the library at all. Select game, open the games page, click play game.. wait for 5 seconds, then close game again. And if you have a disk Version, you even have to insert the disk first.

How come my phone is easily able to keep 200+ apps up2date with ease, yet a home console that's plugged in and connected to the Internet at all times struggles to do so.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

I mean it makes sense, although I feel it's actually not that hard if you stick to it. Eventually the game will click, for me sometime in the second biome and then it's just amazing. The art design, the audio, the story.. it's all just so well crafted and anyone who appreciates art, even a little bit, will fall in love with it I think.

Regarding horizon, to me personally that was a good change. In the first game I was hyped about the many ways to kill a machine, that were announced before launch. I was almost at the end of the game I realized that I was basically only using the bow, if it wasn't a Sidequest that required a different weapon. It slayed everything in its way.

In the forbidden West, I actually had to get to know the machines and their weakpoints. Use elemental effects, tear specific parts off to remove attacks. The gameplay finally got diverse to me. I've also heard this complaint from friends, that the enemies are quite the sponges but really as soon as you hit them with the right effects, they're going down much better. Also the spikethrower. Those drilling spikes were just incredible, I loved throwing every one I threw (which where a lot lol)

And thanks for the tip regarding AW! I think I would've missed that haha

[–] 2 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Omfg yes, exactly the same! And I'm kinda mad it's overlooked like that. It's not just good or something, it's THE game of the generation so far. I can't believe people are missing out on it.

The other PS exclusives, I loved horizon for being this graphical achievement and how they upgraded the gameplay from the previous one. But as it was said like 5 million times already, Aloy needs to shut the fuck up sometimes. Now the puzzles aren't always super straight forward and I could use a little help here and there, but me arriving at any destination 'maybe I can attach my ropecaster there' before I've even seen anything just got really boring to me. I got the plat nonetheless, and found every of the main collectibles. The story was very cool imo, it had incredible new enemies and stuff.. but this handholding really left a bitter taste in my mouth

Ironic enough, I started my Alan Wake playthrough like last week! I kind of held off because after returnal that gameplay just seemed slow and I've read it didn't age that well, as it's quite old. But honestly I'm having a blast. I'm having constant goosebumps playing it lol. It's not insanely good and snappy like returnal, but the mechanic with the flashlight is just incredible and the world is so interesting. Remedy is really good when it comes to world building.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago (4 children)

I completely understand this… The only game that really felt like it was next gen (or current gen) so far was Returnal.

I couldn't agree more man. Returnal has absolutely blown me and I'm thirsting for more.

If you haven't played it yet I'd recommend you control. Not quite like returnal, and came out on ps4 actually I think. But also makes great use of the controller, has a dash mechanic and also a weird story that is super interesting. I loved both of them and it depends on the day which I would say is like my favorite game

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

Yea I totally agree on that. Although from what I read it sounded like streaming directly onto the console wasn't possible.

I mean in it wouldn't really make sense you could not stream a game to the console and from there to the handheld? Maybe that's what they meant.

And streaming onto the console directly is something they could add in the future. Obviously there's no guarantee, but it would turn this from a meh device to a very good one imo

[–] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Yea I agree.

I've also checked on Reddit and there's a huuuuge complaint post about the game. Guess I shouldn't have made an impulse buy on this

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

Huh that makes even less sense now


So what is your guys opinion on firewall so far?

I have to admit I gave in and bought it yesterday, played the tutorial a bit but.. have to admit it really feels off, having to click weapons to reload, switch weapons, open doors...

Seeing it in trailers looked fine but actually playing makes it so uncanny to me. I then hopped into a multiplayer round (?) which was basically the same area but with 2 other players and idk what was going on. I then quit since I went to sleep but really don't know what to think so far.

I do love pavlov and now really wish the game would've been more like that. It's hard remembering to click some buttons you can't see, somehow. In pavlov it all feels natural, you just figure out where to put the mag and whatever by simply trying

[–] 1 points 1 year ago (2 children)

That's the £ price. In the US, these games are $60. In Germany, they are 80€. Baldurs Gate actually sits at 70€, 80€ for the deluxe. I'm super fine with that actually.

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