It's actually installed very close to the ceiling so I can hang without bending so no dips with this for me :/
So less pullups (e.g. 1 at a time) are better than more chin ups (e.g. 5 at a time)? While doing chin ups am i not also training for pull ups?
But that makes the body not accumulate any more, but what about burning the already present excessive one?
Love books and huge fan of libraries but how do you find the right book in the ocean of books?
I see, any advice on burning fat then?
I repeat what I said to the other commenter: how do you find actual good and trustable channels on a specific topic?
Follow up question: how do you find actual good and trustable channels on a specific topic?
I get that diet is the most important thing for abs but, are there excercises to burn fat specifically in the abs area? I'm pretty fit and my weight is ok, or even a little below what I would want, but my abs are not visible
Vim keybindings or death
On y va! Bien fait mes pots français!
Yeah should've been more specific, I'm trying to get going with the r/bodyweightfitness 's recommended routine. Problem is I can't do reps of pull ups but I can do chin ups by hanging on the inner handles or the ones perpendicular to the wall. Can I do those (and which ones of the two) instead of pull ups till I can do proper pull ups?
And what about the inclined handles? Would they make pull ups easier or harder?
Basically I was asking what happens (i.e. what muscles I'm training and how hard) if I use the bar in the four ways I listed