You're ignoring the main problem and point of the post here, but you're also ignoring some people's needs and how "just go get it" is often not an option. This isn't a useful comment and it also doesn't make any discussion.
I'm pretty sure buying a Steam Deck is probably easier than buying an Xbox, while they did ignore the point of your post your comment just comes off as incomprehensible and strange.
You can change your own environment?
Block, report or read the rules and ask the moderators. You're wasting your own time and everyone else's, I found this an enjoyable meme and so did many others.
Getting angry or complaining about how someone calls their significant other and gatekeeping when it can be used is something they should've learnt to get over a long time ago.
I'd love their perspective on this and the actual messages sent as this isn't very useful standalone.
You're not referring to a specific problem here, and general size isn't an issue.
The comment you replied to is a bit shortsighted, public transit in more rural areas or small towns wouldn't work that well.
There's absolutely room for great public transit anywhere else though, cities and more sizable towns can easily have great public transport and there's even options for American suburbs. Trains connecting cities together in a lot of areas would also be relatively cheap for most places, and a lot of bigger cities used to have public transport that was eventually torn down to make room for cars.
I think a lot of you forget that things don't have to be perfect, especially first try and that things can easily be changed.
you're just cringe and illogical at this point, these aren't military hospitals.
You buy a used car?
There's zero reason to hate ants? What a lame comment.
You're acting like that is an option for everyone and you're blaming the people who order from DoorDash which is both pointless and ignorant and helps absolutely no one.