generally, a serial killer does multiple individual murderers over an extended period. this contrasts with a mass murderer, who kills a bunch of people in a single event, or a spree killer who does multiple killings over a short time span. a serial killer may take a couple years to kill 5 people while a spree killer does it in a weekend, and a mass killer manages it in a few minutes.
i was gonna say source mage! so i guess it's not that obscure, if two of us thought to mention it.
i'm sorry, but, sploot?
it may have been full of conspiracy and fascist dogwhistles, but that is still probably the most coherent thing i've ever seen attributed to the fucker. ain't no way he wrote that.
your kid goes for a walk? believe it or not, straight to jail.
the only difference between a billionaire who believes in climate change and one who doesn't is that one of them is gonna spend more on a sweet apocalypse bunker with gold plated slurpee machines. neither would do anything about it if it hurt their bottom line.
but then we wouldn't get to see the pretty boat!
statistically, if he wins, he's likely to sit for life even if he doesn't cancel future elections (or however he plans to suppress democracy), because, you see, he is very old and likely to die soon (but probably not soon enough for my taste).
shuffling is a wildly different dance
never, but i have enjoyed adding bacon to my quesadilla once or twice when i got an early lunch there. do they limit their normal menu in the early morning? i thought they just added a couple things.