I am working on a dice expression evaluator on my side, and I will certainly reuse your code if I can ! Thanks for giving the example, as a GNU enthusiast, it is very nice ! Great job making it work !
joined 2 months ago
This looks fun ! Here is my try:
- a emaciated monk in a corner of the tavern, who scrutinize every patron and have incendiary arguments with anyone trying to eat anything (drinking booze leave him unfazed). Call him Brother Leffe !
- a table of 4 card players which include a very small dwarf. The dwarf can't see the others well (his eyes are barely at table level), loses a lot of gold, and can't stop playing until he wins. The others are cheating quite openly.
- a hulking half-orc, laden with scars and equipped for war, chugging pinchers after pinchers of milk. Afraid of drinking alcohol.
- a farmer with his 2 elder sons sitting with their cow at a table. It is their only chance of earning money this season and will not leave the cattle any minute. They will get violent if anyone gets too closed to the cow.
- a pointy hat magician seems to have a telepathic discussion with a cat sitting on its table. He looks turn by turn surprised, inconvenienced, worried, anyway it looks like the cat is leading the talks at its disadvantage.
Hurray for Lovecraft ! Cthulhu F'taghn ! :-D