@aeronmelon @LaurenceWolse Hell of a poster, what's the main character's name, Luke Cokebender?
@IMongoose @Kolanaki Troma distributed Cannibal: The Musical, but wasn't involved in production.
Troma movies are not actually good, on purpose.
@Anorack One of the greatest B movies ever. If you haven't watched this one, drop everything and get on it.
@LaurenceWolse The soundtrack around 5:28 sounded really familiar, and I was tearing my hair out trying to figure out where I'd heard it before. Finally realized that it's from Deep Throat. On the soundtrack album, it's called "Pussy Cola," though I think a lot of those titles were made up just to have name for the tracks.
@bmoviebonanza Too bad, images from Mastodon don't work -- you can click the fediverse logo to link back to my original post.
More links: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0058072/
No idea if images come through from Mastodon, let's find out!
@Sergio This film has the most unexpected nude wrestling scene.