
joined 2 years ago
[–] 4 points 1 month ago

@aeronmelon @LaurenceWolse Hell of a poster, what's the main character's name, Luke Cokebender?


Prison Ship (1986)

aka "Star Slammer," aka "Starslammer: The Escape," aka "Prison Ship Star Slammer," aka "Adventures of Taura, Part 1," aka "The Adventures of Taura: Prison Ship Star Slammer," proving again that a film's greatness is inversely proportional to how many names it was marketed under.

Low-budget sci-fi schlock from Fred Olen Ray that can't decide if it wants to be a women-in-prison flick, a female barbarian flick, or Star Wars.

The production value is actually very good for the budget, but the poorly written, nonsensical script, wildly uneven tone, and flat, lifeless line delivery undermine what'd otherwise be a very solid also-ran B flick.


[–] 17 points 2 months ago (1 children)

@Preacher An absolute classic. I actually think it's pretty good, in its own weird way.

[–] 7 points 4 months ago (1 children)

@IMongoose @Kolanaki Troma distributed Cannibal: The Musical, but wasn't involved in production.

Troma movies are not actually good, on purpose.

[–] 5 points 6 months ago (1 children)

@LaurenceWolse Oh my god what a poster!

[–] 5 points 6 months ago

@Anorack One of the greatest B movies ever. If you haven't watched this one, drop everything and get on it.

[–] 1 points 6 months ago

@LaurenceWolse The soundtrack around 5:28 sounded really familiar, and I was tearing my hair out trying to figure out where I'd heard it before. Finally realized that it's from Deep Throat. On the soundtrack album, it's called "Pussy Cola," though I think a lot of those titles were made up just to have name for the tracks.


Violent Panic: The Big Crash (1976)

Takashi is a bank robber who wants to pull off one last heist with his partner and retire to Brazil, until everything goes wrong. The first hour or so is full of bizarre and/or angry perverts with no obvious connection -- a disheveled guy obsessed with Takashi's bean-cooking girlfriend, a mechanic who keeps keying a customer's car, horny cops, etc.

The last 20 or so minutes is one of the most gloriously chaotic over-the-top car chase rampages ever committed to film, with 20+ people, including police, bystanders, a tow truck, a broadcast van, a fire engine, and a motorcycle gang.




Evilspeak (1981)

This early-80s also-ran horror flick has it all: A possessed computer. Bullying. Spaniards. A boys' military academy. Satanic black mass. A dispute over a crowbar. A nude woman devoured by pigs. Revenge decapitation. Latin. A wildly inappropriate bikini contest featuring female teachers with their students in attendance. A basement full of corpses. Levitation. What more could you want?

Keep an eye out for Charles Tyner (Uncle Victor from Harold and Maude, playing essentially the same character) and Richard Moll (Bull from Night Court).



Hell High (1987)

A better-than-expected, little-known B horror flick that manages to transcend its very limited budget. Four misfit high schoolers decide to terrorize a teacher for no good reason and get more than they bargained for.

It's not *good*, and there are some very silly parts, but it's much, much better than you'd expect.



[–] 3 points 8 months ago

@bmoviebonanza Too bad, images from Mastodon don't work -- you can click the fediverse logo to link back to my original post.

[–] 4 points 8 months ago (1 children)


More links:

No idea if images come through from Mastodon, let's find out!


Starman: Evil Brain From Outer Space

A schlock sci-fi B movie made by editing together a few of the Shintoho "Super Giant" films. Super Giant was a series of Japanese superhero films which were heavily inspired by (read: blatantly ripped off) Adventures of Superman. The original films were released in 1958 and '59, but this didn't reach the US (with English dubbing) until 1966.

Available on


[–] 2 points 8 months ago (1 children)

@Mr_Wobble @LaurenceWolse That's silly, movies have their own props.


Roger Corman, Pioneering Independent Producer and King of B Movies, Dies at 98




Cyber Vengeance (1997)

A baffling, incoherent shitshow of a film. Our main guy is a cyber guard at a VR prison, whose hobbies include complaining about anachronistic martial arts moves and ignoring his girlfriend. Most of the cast looks precisely 23 years old and brings big The Producer's College Roommate energy. The soundtrack is bizarre and wildly inappropriate. Some semblance of a plot finally develops around halfway in, when Our Hero discovers that prisoners are being put into a different VR thing (which is somehow worse, I guess?), where they attempt to get their Cyber Vengeance. A ludicrous, nonsensical trainwreck. 4/5 stars.


[–] 3 points 10 months ago (1 children)
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