us Half-Life fans are eating good this month. first, we get Project Borealis Prologue, and now HL2 update and the game going free to own for a limited time. i am so going to enjoy checking the update out. and the documentary as well.
both Resident Evil VII and Village.
Max Payne is a great series. while i first experienced it late in my lifetime, i still found enjoyment in the series. it kick-started my fascination with Remedy's games as well as my fandom towards HEALTH, who composed the score for MP3.
i do think MP3 is a bit underrated, given the reception it had initially.
it's eternity in there...
you're fine as long as you're not using a Galaxy Note 7.
i can't wait for your game to be finished. as a The Stanley Parable and Title_Pending enjoyer, this will be right up my alley.
the ~~PlayStation~~ Nintendo 64 can produce mind-boggling effects.
McDonald {singular.}
who up overcharging they tau cannon?
it needs torches as well.
reading this comment suddenly reminded me of the "Pantheon" show.
same but for everything in my life.
i know, that sounds schizo as fuck, my dear chat members.