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[–] 4 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) (3 children)

Für mich als Muslim & Migrant ist es zwar cool, dass es nun eine Ausländerpartei gibt, aber ich hab wenig Bock auf eine muslimische CDU. Und „Protestwählen“ gibt mir auch keine guten Assoziationen.

Wüsste ich es nicht besser, wäre diese Art der Berichterstattung für mich aber fast schon ein Grund, die trotzdem zu wählen. Ich hab jetzt keine Zeit und keinen Bock das im Detail alles auszuarbeiten.

Aber das Programm bedient halt einige Ausländerthemen, Dinge die für Millionen in diesem Land wichtig sind. Und die Tagesschau muss daraus erstmal einen „was haben diese Muselmanen nun vor?“ Artikel machen, wo alle gängigen Vorurteile über DEN muslimischen Migranten bedient werden. Es gibt durchaus Dinge zu hinterfragen und nur, weil es viele Muslime gibt, heißt das nicht, dass wir die Vision dieser Leute teilen.

Wie gesagt, keinen Bock auf konservativen Bullshit von keiner Seite und auch keinen Bock, dass die DITIB mir erzählt, wie ich zu leben habe. Aber da wird nicht jeder so reflektiert sein und viele werden mMn dann doch „jetzt erst recht“ denken und sowas dann doch wählen. Einfach weil sonst keiner einem das Gefühl gibt, endlich mal gehört zu werden.

[–] 5 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) (1 children)

Your question is cynical at best, but probably a sad attempt at derailing the discussion. Instead of talking about the well documented systemic torture of Palestinians you want us to discuss the technicality of whether it’s possible or not to lose x KG in Y days. Let’s say it’s only possible to lose x-1KG in Y days. It won’t change anything about the fact that there are ten thousands of Palestinians who have been detained & tortured by an ethno nationalist settler colony that is currently genociding Palestinians.

[–] 9 points 7 months ago (3 children)

There are many reports of torture. Starvation is one of the more harmless things they’d do to you. Here’s a detailed account dating back to the 70s:

There’s also a whole Wikipedia article on the history of torture that Palestinians have experienced. This article is easy to find.

There’s also a detailed report on this by Amnesty International.

I find it very cynical to question such a well documented, systemic abuse that has been going on for decades. You can easily find before/after pictures of Palestinian detainees. There’s really no need to make up or exaggerate anything when reality „does the job“ well enough.

[–] 4 points 7 months ago

Das finde ich einen sehr guten und scharfsinnigen Artikel. Als genau jemand, dessen Vorfahren auch nichts mit dem 3. Reich zutun hatten, habe ich ähnliche Erfahrungen gemacht. Egal was schiefläuft, immer gibt man uns die Arschkarte. Kann ja unmöglich sein, dass der gute, echte Deutsche jemals was falsch machen könnte.

[–] -2 points 7 months ago

Western values like what? Is that why we’re genociding Palestinians in Gaza, and now starving & freezing them to death through cutting the funding for UNRWA?

Please explain to me what you mean by western values and why you think we’re upholding them.

[–] 2 points 7 months ago

Very hot take. Our media narrative and political communication are incredibly biased towards the Israeli take, we have 100,000s of Palestinian citizens and millions of Muslim citizens whose voices we ignore. We actively cancel funding for peace activists and silence even Jewish Israelis who are anti-Zionist. We still deliver weapons to Israel and now also deny funding for innocent civilians starving & freezing to death. Germany is not only complicit, Germany and other western countries are actively enabling this genocide and it sickens me.

[–] 2 points 8 months ago

Weird, my experience in Hungary was the opposite. No one nude and I think people would have been really weirded out. This was my experience from several thermal baths in the country, although always mixed gender. Maybe if there’s single gender days it may be different.


Okay so I work in one of those amazing tech companies where you have to submit 360 feedbacks every 6 months & will be PIPed etc. As here because unfortunately the programming related communities seem pretty inactive.

My former manager had putted me on a PIP before switching teams (first time ever in my 10 YOE). I somehow managed to survive that and now was asked to provide a 360 feedback for this old manager who PIPed me.

I didn’t bother to answer the request, but now the skip level of that manager reached out via Slack and wants my feedback because they’re having „additional calibration sessions“. He asked me to provide it via Slack „to save time“.

I asked ChatGPT to word it in corporate speak so it sounds diplomatic even though it’s like 70% „constructive feedback“, but I’m wondering if I have anything to gain from this.

Would you send the feedback? Is it weird that they want it via Slack when it takes like 2 minutes more to fill this out in Workday?

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