It's unbelievable how much hatred these people have.
Yes, let's just grind the entire worldwide economy to a halt. Smart idea, genius. You do realize, don't you, that more than one country ALSO does international trade in the waters between Europe and Asia, right? The US has the most to lose, so they foot the bill. But the rest of the world benefits from the US military presence in pirate-filled waters.
Also, US citizens and US businesses pay taxes (well, some of the do), which pays for the US military... so in reality they ARE footing the bill for their own protection services. If you want them to pay 100% of the bill, then every single thing you buy in every single country will suddenly triple in price. I'm sure you'd love that. Jesus, you're as good at managing the economy as Trump.
It's almost like that's a very dangerous area of the world where US citizens and businesses are forced to operate and having a US military presence keeps them safer, along with nearly every other nation with international commerce.
Solid point. It is always the same story: the only moral abortion is mine, gay marriage is evil until my son/daughter comes out, get rid of all government programs except the one that benefits me, don't vote against the party unless you have a personal reason not to.
Nah, he's just at the end of his career and is no longer concerned with reelection while also 100% confident in the vote passing without his vote. He has the seniority to be allowed to have a "conscience vote" that the other members can't have.
they should’ve used Alibaba/Qwen for their other markets, too.
Which would get them banned from all government use. Smart call.
It's called the Logan Act. There are actually laws about how civilians can interact with foreign officials. Dennis Rodman famously violated those laws when he went to North Korea to act in an official capacity that wasn't officially sanctioned. Trump is a civilian until inauguration, so his meetings with heads of state to discuss official matters (not just shooting the shit about movies and new restaurants) would have had to be sanctioned to be legal.
Every person in that chain of command should feel absolutely awful about how they personally acted. Not one of them will, but they should.
Man, I had almost forgotten about that bit of absolute lunacy. I had just switched from working F9 certification to Vulcan cert when that happened, and I'll just say nobody I worked with was surprised they blew up another one.
To be fair, Timo always being offside the other direction is helping set the highest line.
What the fuck is going on at airports these days?
That sounds about right for government efficiency.