
joined 1 year ago
[–] -1 points 1 year ago

I'm glad to see that incessant and pervasive whataboutism is welcome in the Fediverse. I was afraid for a few weeks that I had left it behind with Reddit but clearly that's not the case.

[–] 14 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

And on average, they only start out with 80% of the pieces of the men's set.

[–] 4 points 1 year ago (3 children)

From Jun. 29, 2022:

In a joint statement, Commissioners Carmen Rubio and Mingus Mapps, who oversee Parks & Recreation and the Bureau of Environmental Services respectively, said the move was meant to streamline what had been a disjointed system.

The two bureaus “have been working together to strategically align disparate tree planting and tree care responsibilities across both bureaus. That fragmentation has led to inefficient and uncoordinated work,” the commissioners said.

“With support and direction from both of our offices, both bureaus have come to an understanding and scoping of work that we believe will not only be more effective, but will ultimately result in more trees, larger tree canopy, and increased greening of our city,” they said. case we wanted someone to point fingers at.

The other notable difference is that the Friends of Trees program was opt-in. You want a tree, you contact them, they bring you a tree. The city program is actually opt-out, and only eligible in certain designated neighborhoods. So you miss a postcard in the mail and the next thing you know, you've got a crew in front of your house digging up your yard.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago

Yep, after I found this out I ditched Chrome immediately once they started rolling out Google Search ads that couldn't be blocked via DNS. Firefox mobile feels a little less smooth than Chrome admittedly, but the ability to add extensions like ublock/darkreader/consent-o-matic make is a no contest in terms of overall user experience.

The one knock is that they took bypass paywalls out of their extension store and the workaround to install it is somewhat cumbersome, so now I'm annoyingly using Kiwi browser for paywalled content and Firefox for everything else. Hopefully this update will make it so I only need one browser again.

[–] 3 points 1 year ago

To me, the value proposition for Aeropress has always been that it was a very inexpensive way to make an acceptable cup of coffee. Bumping the price to $70 for a plastic tube seems insane, but I guess it's nice to have options.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by to c/

I've traditionally been very wary about much of the criticism around DA Mike Schmidt, with the whole Schmidt show nonsense and heaping all the woes of the world at his feet. However, this seems very much a failure of leadership in an area in which it cannot be denied that he has complete control.

This section from Amber Kinney's letter of resignation I found particularly damning:

The attorney management in our office is comprised of only one female (17% of total management), despite the current ratio for lawyers at about 50/50 men and women. Of the lawyers in leadership positions (management + Level 4 Supervisors), 80% are men and 20% are women (only 4 women). The very next level down, non-supervisors (Level 3 lawyers) are nearly 70% women.

The newly created designation of “Lead Level 3s” – the elite squad of major felony trial attorneys, recognized for our longevity in the office, complex caseload, and homicide call-out duty, but who are not supervisors – are almost all women (89% are women and 11% are men). This is a glass ceiling.

Under your leadership, seven consecutive men were promoted or hired into leadership positions. Under your leadership (or in anticipation of your leadership) eight high-level career lawyers have left our office, seven of the eight are women.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago (2 children)

The founder of Tildes, Deimos, is a former Reddit backend engineer who believes this is a technical issue rather than a case of Reddit purposefully subverting user intentions:

Yes, this is almost certainly a technical issue. The way reddit caches things probably isn't the standard way you're thinking of, like a short-term cache that expires and refreshes itself. There are multiple layers of "cached" listings and items for almost everything, and a lot of these caches are actually data that's stored permanently and kept up to date individually.

There are also multiple other places and ways that comments are cached—comment trees are cached (order and nesting of comments on a comments page, for all the different sorting methods), rendered HTML versions of comments are cached, API data is probably cached, and so on.

All of these issues are probably just some combination of all of your posts being difficult to find and access due to the listing limits or certain cached representations of posts not being cleared or updated properly.


I've done a few Pedalpalooza rides in past years and they've generally been great. I think it's amazing that they've expanded it into a 3-month thing which is essentially "hey here's a resource for the best summer bike rides", but it's a piiiiiiinch overwhelming to open the calendar and see like a thousand different rides all stacked up on one another to the point where the page times out in Chrome.

So...are there any that the community here would particularly recommend?

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by to c/

The article doesn't have much detail, but I believe that they got hosed by the pandemic. Looking at their permit history, all their grand plans for rebuilding and remodeling started in late 2019.

Then whoops, couple years of pandemic.

Then whoops, interest rates are through the roof and obtaining financing just got a whole lot more expensive.

It makes me wonder if they're doing what the Eagle's Lodge people are doing; just letting their property sit in a derelict state while waiting for the rates to come down.

[–] 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I suspect they do, in fact, understand the difference. And are intentionally conflating lemmy the platform with the instance in order to dissuade people from using the platform, since they know that most people new to the platform wouldn't understand the distinction.