I agree, but I think a significant portion of the population has become genuinely detached from reality. They may be awful people too, of course.
I didn’t say they would.
They are mentally ill. Those are not the actions or speech of a sane person.
I used to have an orange Handspring Visor PIM, which ran the Palm OS. If I’m remembering correctly the original team that developed the Palm Pilot left to start Handspring. My friend topped me by buying the phone module for hers. It seemed almost breathtakingly futuristic at the time.
This sort of package used to be much easier to open when I was growing up back in the 60s and 70s. I don’t know why, but packaging has gotten significantly worse since then.
Yeah, I haven't seen all the RLM videos, but I've read that there used to be a woman who participated in them sometimes who stopped because she was disturbed by some of the fans' comments about her.
Some governmental entities have started setting up their own Mastodon servers. I think that’s really the way to go. There’s no reason emergency services should depend on Musk’s goodwill and technical competence.
It's the same with a lot of the other manufacturers. You can buy a Toyota Yaris in Mexico, but not in the US.
Exactly. I understand the impulse, but catching them in a contradiction is pointless because they have no actual principles.
Yes, my dad was career military, and he explained to me that the practice was informally called "up or out".
I watched the first season when it first aired way back in the 90s, and I've seen random episodes here and there since. I recently decided to watch the whole series, and I had forgotten that a lot of the writing is just not my kind of humor, which is why I lost interest back when it was new. Even so, there was enough good stuff for me to keep watching, but I'm in S5 right now, and I've definitely noticed a drop off in quality.