
joined 1 year ago
[–] 6 points 1 day ago (3 children)

That's its snowballing. You know you'd be pretty obligated to use one channel of communication if everyone uses it becauae you need to stay in touch. The same works in leaving it because you feel like ditching former Tweeter is leaving the place everyone is, even politicians.

[–] 3 points 1 day ago (2 children)

Didn't DOJ just recently insisted that RT is controlled by russian gvnmt? That was probably a big red stop sign for Meta to avoid real problems by ditching it.

[–] 2 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

While I get that security certifications (and existing contracts with the right people!), the slowness of such laws ans disdain for prisoners, especially doing their law research, are big factors, I see a point that even prison admins shall consider. Besides big cuts in spending on capable clients, opening the ability for inmates to write whatever they want in a word processor as easily as it can be is a plus to the surveiliance. Authocracies of today don't ban their own social medias because an illusion of privacy makes people snitch on themselves.

Better, it drinks you.

[–] 3 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Is your link okay? Seems like it misses punctuation.

[–] 3 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Yep, moreso after Balkans and after US leaving Afghan. No one wants to take responsibility and send their guys as a mere body shield, especially as other countries are not prepared to react on their troops being killed by either side, especially Israel. That, though, is the only way I see these attrocities getting stopped, because I don't see any economical mechanism slowing down the genocide of gazans. In spite of all shit US and UN had for being involved in foreign politics, that's the time they can do good and save people, and it's kind of dishearting that it's the time they'd not as long as it's possible.

Technically, yes, the offensive does consume like 3x of what is needed for defense the same position, but it works right only if that's a war of equals. Ukraine was and is underpowered on it's own, and even with the stuff other countries donated. Them gaining an edge in the warzone in the last years often involved either technological trickery or great insights and tactics using their limited resources.

One other thing that breaks that rule and makes this change in the narrative significant - is that russians could deploy their bombers, fuel, supply centers near the border, thinking they can't get effecrively hit, that giving them a big boost whatever they do, and if this handicap gets denied, they'd have a harder time supplying another operation from further away.

[–] 8 points 3 days ago (3 children)

Gazans are disposables for every party involved besides gazans themselves. Both Hamas heads elsewhere and Bibi's admin had a streak of luck with these attack and response since it gave them a reason to be and get international support. Although this situation wasn't okay since the formation of Israel as a state, I don't side with people who want either Palestine or Israel to become undone since both exist for longer than I'm here, but what I miss is a peacekeeping mission that'd at least stop the bloodshed and it's funding.

What analogy? I didn't draw any direct comparison, I think. Was there one?

Arms are given to Ukraine with every state dictating how they should not be used, with Ukraine being autonomous in their decision-making – as it sounds, they consult other countries, but decide things themselves. To my brief knowledge of past wars it was usually a 'use how you want' deal or a direct involvement and control from other party with boots on the ground, both don't fit this exact situation. And it becomes even more unique since there are not one party, but a lot of them, all citing their own conditions on exact shipments, adding even more confusion to the situation.

I want to highlight the fact it's one of the first very public case of countries donating weapons with such policies limiting their usage against enemy troops.

He's like Trump if you respec all points from Grift and Lie to spread them on various mental disorders.

[–] 1 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Yep. But half way through it I don't see him mentioned.


What are your stories? I'm sad I haven't had such parties for a long time, and a lack of PC games with co-op doesn't help it too. But I still treasure these times me and my friends wasted whole nights playing high on cola and doritos, and I wonder if me, now an adult, can reproduce a bit of that with my current non-playing friends, their spouses, children, etc. Just a general nostalgia and 'what-to-play-now' thread.

I unintentionally deleted the original post, sorry.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by to c/

What are your stories? I'm sad I haven't had such parties for a long time, and a lack of PC games with co-op doesn't help it too. But I still treasure these times me and my friends wasted whole nights playing high on cola and doritos, and I wonder if me, now an adult, can reproduce a bit of that with my current non-playing friends, their spouses, children, etc. Just a general nostalgia and 'what-to-play-now' thread.


I'm ~~not~~ making rules


neurolinguistical programming with a catchy tune

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by to c/

some would say, and I'd picture them just like that

toys in a ufo catcher lacking any will or intent

facing death as another round of gamble.



and its' drivers work only under Windows ME for no apparent reason.


Trade offer meme

I receive: Stupid prompts that can be fun to draw and post without CP, small fandoms I don't know, bigotry and shit we don't want on Lemmy

You receive: Arts based on your promts drawn by a russian alcoholic, b\w, 200x200px, with a mouse, eternally posted on the lemmyverse under your prompt

ED: I'm too sleepy-eepy so I'd continue tomorrow.

ED: Slowly working on my backlog. I've not thought there would be more than 3-5 anons seeing that thread, lol.

ED: Seems like I resolved all recs. Thank you all. That was fun.


Although many of us have MW ovens, I can name like one Saw movie and one DIY channel that showed it's potential to melt things, and I watch\read a lot of gore and torture on the web. It won't be used in a military context due to how power consumption and short distance make it useless. But in a Home Alone situation it seems promising, especially as a trap because you won't stop anyone with that immidiately.

My qustions are:

  1. How a breaf exposure is dangerous, and can it be used not to harm but to scare off?
  2. How it'd be treated legally due to it's weirdness?
  3. What are general downsides of that, like reflecting it back to the sender or dealing irreversible fatal damage etc?

I'm stupid at basic physics so I'm sure I miss something.


But I'm sure a daily 8hr sleep in water isn't something our bodies are ready for. What are probable effects? Can we mitigate them?


I use a cheap BT stick to connect my Dual Shock-alike to Proton-driven games via Steam.

The first thing I've noticed is that it doesn't connect automatically, but that's okay.

Then I was surprised it LEDs' colors are changeable via Steam, but just like other DS4 it can't output sound not via itself nor via a dedicated 3,5mm hole, but it's a given. Sony are spooks, that's okay too.

What troubles me most rn is that it lags, a lot. I can press a joystic one way and release, and it would still move a character for seconds in one direction. A fix? Just plugging it into a charger (not connected to this PC) solves it. As long as it is charged via a wall socket, it works. When it's disconnected, it starts to lag after some time.

I can't comprehend why a fully charged controller behaves like that. Does it have some faulty battery or something?

I don't have much experience with BT controllers, thus I ask you for an advice.

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