
joined 6 months ago

That does include parking enforcement. Which is done through that half of Townhall. Oh yeah, that’s the other part. They get literally half the real estate of town hall which is delightfully unsubtle.

But yeah, remember specifically that freaking the cops taking on all of these duties, or having these duties thrust upon them outside of their control whatever version of this that you buy into,. Having a whole bunch of unrelated social functions being addressed under the regions of the police forces is the criticism, it’s not some separate part. Why, does parking enforcement or local security or non union road crews get organized and paid from the police department instead of the local government?


I’m fully just calling the “gender affirming care bans” what they are, bans on trans minors, because somebody on the main subReddit pointed out that the child brides in all of these red states do not have restrictions on ‘their’ boob jobs.


The alternative being.., a Mexican or Brazilian style federal system?


courtesy of Reddit user “NoMoreProphets”

This is a wild read. I would recommend reading the entire thing but here are the main snippets.

The 17-year-old daughter claims her father, Hawkins, raped her when she was almost six years old and continually molested her throughout her childhood despite her protestations that he stop, according to court documents. The two adopted daughters also claim they were sexually abused, those documents state.

The oldest son also told a forensic interviewer he felt like his father tried to drown him in a pool in 2018 in Costa Rica, using police control tactics and holding him under water until he began to black out. The boy said he believed his father was vengeful because the boy woke up one night and confronted his father whose hand he claims he saw down the under garments of his sister.


Though the divorce judge found there was evidence that Hawkins had physically abused the oldest son, the judge said in his ruling that was “one instance that does not involve either of the two children at issue.”


A criminal case alleging child sexual abuse was filed against the father on July 29 in the 18th Judicial District following nearly two years of investigation by the Castle Rock Police Department and a prosecution investigator. Hawkins, 55, was charged with seven felony counts of sexual assault of a child by a person in a position of trust and a single count of misdemeanor child abuse. The alleged incidents extended from 2002 to 2021, according to the charging document.

The allegations span Hawkins’ tenure at the Aurora Police Department between 2005 and 2018. The daughter who claimed she was raped when she was of elementary school age told a forensic investigator the rape occurred in 2012. She said it occurred the same year that her father experienced post-traumatic stress disorder after he responded to the 2012 mass shooting at an Aurora movie theater in which 12 people were killed and 70 wounded.

Hawkins received national attention in the wake of the Aurora theater attack after he testified about carrying a dying 6-year-old girl out of the theater that night.


In 2017, a woman sued Hawkins and the Aurora Police Department, alleging she was brutalized by Hawkins and three other officers. Video of the incident showed Hawkins stomping on the woman’s head while she was on the ground. The woman claimed in her lawsuit that she was falsely accused of assaulting Hawkins and spent a week in jail, including over Christmas. Her criminal charges were dismissed. Aurora paid $335,000 to settle the lawsuit.

Hawkins medically retired from the police department in 2018 after he failed a fit-for-duty exam and was placed on medical leave.


Pickrel-Hawkins denied any manipulation on her part and pointed out that prosecutors in the 18the Judicial District Attorney’s Office believe the allegations. She said she fears the reunification therapy is harming her boys, whom she described as crying uncontrollably, having explosive outbursts and expressing thoughts of self-harm after attending Bassett’s reunification sessions with their father.

“They can’t sleep before and after,” Pickrel-Hawkins said. “It causes major anxiety. It exacerbates their PTSD symptoms. It has absolutely been devastating to them.”


She said a domestic violence advocate has filed an allegation of abuse with child-protective services against the therapist, Bassett, for allegedly grabbing and squeezing her 10-year-old son’s arm roughly during one reunification therapy session when he declined to pick up a piece of trash. She said her sons also complained that the therapist won’t give them any water unless the children first provide water to their father during their reunification sessions. She said the therapist also has barred the children from bringing watches so they can monitor how long a therapy session will last.


The reunification therapist, Bassett, is conducting the therapy at Lighthouse Christian Counseling in Fort Collins, which advertises itself on the internet as “integrating faith into the counseling process.”

“We believe that, as we push into the hard and painful things surrounding us, God meets us with both grace and truth,” the website for Lighthouse Christian Counseling states. “It is our delight to extend that grace and truth to others, regardless of their faith journey.”

[–] 0 points 4 weeks ago

🤷‍♂️ could be a specific thing they told me n I forgot. Maybe as simple as don’t post lemmy screenshots trying to be funny. Idrc I used to be really into that community and got back into theory about it. I had like 100k karma , maybe less maybe way more , basically every post I’d put on that sub that got really big got taken down over the last year or so. I can’t speak to why mine specifically, but so far as I can tell they straight up Went through with like their definitive rules for posts or whatever and applied it retroactively and purged basically the whole top posts page halfba dozen times over at least. Maybe I’m just last to the party but the vague rumblings about how the main sub remains borked are well founded.

[–] 0 points 4 weeks ago

I mean, they didn’t do anything wrong. I just don’t like the rule(s) that I’m violating.

[–] -1 points 1 month ago

If it makes you feel any better it’s like 70% just me. Don’t feel too good tho b/c I am here owing to police beatings and being held in solitary confinement. So. Yeah 👍

[–] 1 points 1 month ago

No, it’s the last place on the internet that is actively curated instead of passively curated. You only see who you pick to follow. Can’t even blame the algorithm because there isn’t one.

[–] 6 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Okay, so this is actually really interesting. It gets into how in the US, when we talk about slavery, we are specifically talking about chattel slavery as it was practiced in the Americas. And there’s actually a pretty strong argument that American chattel slavery is, if not unique in world history, it is more aberrant than other force labor systems throughout world history.

Absolutely mass incarceration, and the force labor system that goes along with it are incredibly distinct from American style chattel slavery, but this is because they’re arguably more in line with what slavery, distinct from chattel slavery, ‘usually’ meant. Basing a forced labor system off of race is more or less a modern phenomenon . There’s some nuance, but slave codes basically make up the core of available written records on the development of race as a cultural concept. [big ol’ FOR THE WEST label here]

[–] 3 points 2 months ago

Put me in coach

[–] 1 points 3 months ago

Damn , reading some of these comments is like fanfiction about myself and it’s kind of wild actually. I am everyone until you go and check D:

[–] 1 points 3 months ago

Yeah, that sounds interesting.

[–] 4 points 4 months ago

That was the fucking point of all this, right ? Like ‘how dare the poors slip through some material change in conditions through gov power’. ‘We’ll show them’ and then they did all of this

[–] 0 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) (1 children)

Yeah that’s an important thing I have to address. Why do people think that authoritarianism means someone being mean to them?

Edit: I shouldn’t be that sour about it. Definitions are super important part and I’ve seen this coming for months., But there does seem to be like a rather substantive difference between like political science definitions of authoritarianism versus like general use public definitions. Like the general public seems to be really about like on an individual level, and I just don’t think that’s super helpful when you’re talking about governmental structure. there’s a little bit of overlap, but that’s not what the focus of most of the academic writing on the subject is so what pops up on Google when you just google “authoritarian“ is not the definition I’m operating off of, no.

Edit2: But yeah, oh yeah yeah yeah, the US being both a democracy and massively a fan of authoritarian governance is exactly what the memes about and you know trying to talk to anybody about that really seems to be like half of people take it as such a given like your baby for not having gotten over that when you were a kid and the other half like consider it an assault against the soul of America

[–] 1 points 4 months ago

you are right and I invite you to say it louder.

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