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[–] WatDabney@lemmy.dbzer0.com 60 points 1 week ago (3 children)

Is there any one quality that more of the people surrounding Trump share than being serial sex abusers?

I can't think of one.

[–] WatDabney@lemmy.dbzer0.com 118 points 1 week ago (15 children)

One would think that a president using the authority of his office to exact vengeance on the people who investigated his past crimes would warrant at least some sort of response from the supposed opposition...

[–] WatDabney@lemmy.dbzer0.com 7 points 1 week ago

He’s a sex trafficker

Which is an incel dream job. He's just managed to make it a reality instead of fap material.

[–] WatDabney@lemmy.dbzer0.com 54 points 1 week ago (7 children)

Tate is the main inspiration for my theory that "incel" behavior and attitudes aren't necessarily tied to involuntary celibacy.

I think it's more fundamental than that, and it's just that that personality type often ends up involuntarily celibate, which amplifies their bitterness and spite and misogyny.

But there's another distinctive type of "incel" who, through some happenstance or another, manages to get laid. They share the same bitterness and spite and misogyny as the celibate incels, but the fact that they actually can manage to get laid adds a layer of entirely unwarranted arrogance on top of that.

And Tate is the exemplar of that. He just radiates "incel" - only with an extra layer of arrogance on top of it.

[–] WatDabney@lemmy.dbzer0.com 9 points 1 week ago


And even beyond that - hierarchical systems effectively reward and thus select for psychopathy.

People with morals, ethics, integrity and/or empathy will refrain from making choices that would conflict with their principles, while people without any of those things are free to pursue any course of action that will benefit them, with no concern for anything else.

So all other things being more or less equal, psychopaths actually have a competitive advantage in hierarchical systems.

And it shows.

[–] WatDabney@lemmy.dbzer0.com 15 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (2 children)

If the world was a just place, it would cost them their lives, since by cutting the sole source of healthcare funding for many of the poorest Americans, they're effectively committing mass murder, so should be tried, and if convicted, sentenced just as any other mass murderers would be.

Or better yet, if they were just minimally decent human beings, they wouldn't condemn poor people to avoidable sickness and death in the first place.

[–] WatDabney@lemmy.dbzer0.com 9 points 1 week ago

By the time the oligarchs are done laying the groundwork, none to speak of.

The American people are going to be beaten down and inundated with propaganda all along the way, and the troublemakers are going to be disappeared. All that's going to be left are the true believers, the hopeless and the cowards - anyone woth the wherewithal to take a stand against the oligarchs will already be in a prison camp or mass grave.

[–] WatDabney@lemmy.dbzer0.com 34 points 1 week ago (3 children)

I remain convinced - grow more so virtually every day in fact - that the long-term goal of Trump and the fascist right is to formally ally with Russia in a war against the EU/NATO.

Much more to the point, it will be a war of plutocratic oligarchy against social democracy.

[–] WatDabney@lemmy.dbzer0.com 30 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

So I'm assuming that, like the rest of the broligarchy, what he actually means by "free speech" is right-wing authoritarianism exclusively and what he actually means by "free markets" is monopolistic corporate capitalism.

[–] WatDabney@lemmy.dbzer0.com 24 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

This isn't about drugs - it's about normalizing executing people for non-violent offenses.

When it gets right down to it, he just wants to see a whole lot of people executed - basically anyone and everyone who criticizes, threatens, troubles, or merely inconveniences him.

[–] WatDabney@lemmy.dbzer0.com 14 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

He really is sort of pathetic.

It's weird and oddly discouraging. It seems like the individual most responsible for the oncoming collapse of the United States should be some sort of supervillain, but he's really just a desperately insecure and over-compensating wad of hair, bronzer and congealed fat with the emotional maturity of a spoiled three-year-old.

And meanwhile, his wannabe Rasputin sidekick is a desperately insecure and over-compensating middle-aged chuunibyou who's still trying, and pathetically failing, to be the edgiest 13-year-old, and to not think about the fact that everyone who knows him thinks he's an asshole.

As if it's not already bad enough to watch as the US is systematically destroyed, we have to watch as it's systematically destroyed by people who are so pathetic and creepy.

[–] WatDabney@lemmy.dbzer0.com 3 points 2 weeks ago

Such a haunting song, even by Morphine's standards.

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