People don’t like her nearly as much despite basically identical policy proposals. I wonder why?
AOC voted to protect the rail corporations from the union strike.
People don’t like her nearly as much despite basically identical policy proposals. I wonder why?
AOC voted to protect the rail corporations from the union strike.
6 months later: "Andrew and everette's shut down for listeria and poop chunks in the cheese"
You made a big mistake using this quote like this.
I'd prefer democrats to get rid of First Past The Post voting and to stop blocking other political parties from participating.
Sorry buddy, this is MERICA and in the land if MERICA we have a flawless two party system that fully represents every single citizen perfectly and if you feel otherwise then you must be a un-American communist nazi socialist Russian terrorist.
Why would you waste so many prison slaves?
Also, why are you all so worried? Surely the cops will protect us! That was the plan after eventually disarming the working class right? Are yall saying that the democratic party was wrong to pursue gun control?
Democrats are ready and willing to do anything other then deliver the change Obama promised so many years ago.
Only the most giga depresso life will do for our future generations
Dick riding dick Cheney might have something to do with it. Fucking embarrassing.
State level electoral reform will allow a bigger spectrum of political parties to represent those unengaged voters. It will also allow those voters to make the democrats their backup pick if their preference didn't win.
More people represented means more voters. More voters means more democratic votes. Why is the democratic party saying no to these easy votes?
Trumps going for a 3rd term?