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[–] Teils13@lemmy.eco.br 2 points 1 hour ago

50 years is already excessive, dude or dudette. The north american law originally gave 14 years, plus another 14 years if the creators actively sought after and were approved (most did not even ask, and approval was not guaranteed). This is comparable time to patents, which serve the exact same function, but without the absurd time scales (Imagine if Computers were still a private tech of IBM ... those sweet mainframes the size of a room). 28 years, or lets put 30 years fixed at once, is more than sufficient time for making profit for the quasi totality of IPs that would make a profit (and creators can invest the money received to gain more, or have 30 years to think of something else). 30 years ago was 1994, think of everything the Star Wars prequels have sold, now remeber the 1st film was from 1999, would star wars prequels ventures really suffer if they started losing the IP from 2029 onwards ?

[–] Teils13@lemmy.eco.br 4 points 1 hour ago

You must be young (or without memory). YouTube ads started exactly with picture ads (horizontal banners), but that was not sufficient, and ~12 years later there already are 2 unskipable videos at start, middle and finish (and several at the middle if in a long video). Your ad at the pause may start with pictures even, but videos and later longer videos will follow.

[–] Teils13@lemmy.eco.br 1 points 1 hour ago

Fine suburbanite, everything that is not a private garden will automatically suck for you, and apparently there is not a single dirty ugly and bad backyard, garden or house itself wherever you live. Here in Brazil, tons of people leave mosquitoes proliferating in suburban houses, turning them into vectors for dengue, chicungunha, zika, etc. Can i say every suburban house is a cesspool too ? are all these Moscow parks , Tokyo parks full of dog shit and druggies all the time too ?

[–] Teils13@lemmy.eco.br 6 points 1 day ago (2 children)

There is the PeerTube network, which works like Lemmy.

[–] Teils13@lemmy.eco.br 2 points 1 day ago

VK Video is indeed probably close to it, being a quasi state company. Theoretically they can not maximize profit extraction in all spaces, and keep the videos without unlimited propaganda. But Rutube is a profit-seeking company that is just smaller scale youtube. Let's see how the 1st will evolve over time.

[–] Teils13@lemmy.eco.br 0 points 1 day ago (2 children)

I will tell that to these Parisian people here.

[–] Teils13@lemmy.eco.br 1 points 1 day ago

If you live in a high quality house with large space between houses, maybe. Sound is very transmittable by air, if you are in the garden or open a windows there goes the sound insulation. There are tons of houses with 'special cardboard' as walls and not really that much distance laterally between the houses, so all the loud sounds will be heard. Again, if you build with bad quality, anything will be bad.

[–] Teils13@lemmy.eco.br 1 points 1 day ago

I believe him, it is awesome to play until this day. Would love to hear him spell out exactly how and why.

[–] Teils13@lemmy.eco.br 0 points 2 days ago (4 children)

The holes in your logic are the individualism and scale. Very few people will ever be able to live in a detached house like yours, by definition. Either the forest will eventually be cut (rendering the nature dead), or the supply will forever be small and expensive (not accessible to millions of masses). The only way millions of people could have access to a large natural area to hike is indeed apartment blocks urban islands surrounded by large spaces of nature, like the 2nd image. They don't have to have tens of floors, just 5 floors of large apartments can house many people with comfort while also having amenities (that can be paid sustainably too) to boost.

[–] Teils13@lemmy.eco.br 1 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (2 children)

There are tons of poorly built detached houses as well, that are also not easily or cheaply fixed, that is orthogonal to the debate between house or apartment.

[–] Teils13@lemmy.eco.br -2 points 2 days ago

He-She is just telling that there is a difference between a garden and an actual wild nature space. Gardens are manicured environments with a fraction of biodiversity that are made to serve human needs, and also frequently require constant maintenance and resource consumption on garden tools, fertilizers, etc, and frequently are changed whenever the house changes owner or tenant. They do not contribute to nature preservation at all actually, they just provide more comfort to the inhabitants like some trees for shading. A real wild nature space demands a lot of continuous space devoid or almost devoid of human presence or interference, like a whole Manhattan island of trees that will not be cut, and no fertilizer maintenance at all, and big animals that are dangerous to humans such as wolves, bears, moose, etc.

[–] Teils13@lemmy.eco.br 4 points 2 days ago (2 children)

My favorite racing game is Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed Collection (2013 version). Arcade racing in the style of Mario Kart, it was the one time where Sega did what Nintendont in that genre. Amazing tracks, amazing wide selection of Sega characters to chose as racers (also ralph from ralph breaks movies for some reason), amazing 3 way modes of racing (by land, by water, by air), amazing replayability due to all the racers and modifications possible to choose from, and good price in promotion events.

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