
joined 1 year ago
[–] Teal_Tiger@reddthat.com 0 points 10 months ago

I have heard that arbitrary "rules" based on nothing at all are repeated by stupid people.

[–] Teal_Tiger@reddthat.com -1 points 10 months ago

If you read what I wrote and still don't understand.... you need more help than I can give.


No group of people in human history, not on-line, not in real life, has ever existed without content moderation.

The idea that Reddit, or Twitter, or Nostr, or any other place, virtual or otherwise can, should, or ever will exist without content moderation is fucking absurd. You have to be brain-dead to believe something so obviously idiotic. And to frame that ridiculous delusion in terms like "free speech" only goes to show that nobody has a clue what they're talking about.

[–] Teal_Tiger@reddthat.com 2 points 10 months ago

Because the term girl is obviously demeaning to post-pubescent females feminists got really mad when you called teenage females girls in the 80s. They were correct.


Sensationalist media, the Chris Hansen types who make piles of money drumming up hysterical fear of X or Y, love to use words like "predator" and "prey on" because it evokes images that stick in the mind. It gets people emotional. Having a calm rational public is not profitable for them.



Real solution:

A. lower the age of majority to 16 (even runaways need legal rights)

B. decriminalize all sex work (cops should work for the prostitutes not against them)

C. triple the minimum wage (make non-sex work far more attractive and sustainable) #NotRocketScience


Some of us are old enough to remember back when the neo-Puritans used terms like "The Gay Agenda" to terrify parents. They wanted to think LGBTQ+ people were trying to convert your sons and daughters, to win them over for the dark side like Darth Vader.

Today on Twitter if you state a simple fact like 16 year olds are young men and women, you'll be assaulted with accusations that you are promoting "The Pedo Agenda"

Within a couple of years we'll see terms like "The Perv Agenda" or "The Kink Agenda"

Or maybe the neo-Puritans will replace the word agenda altogether. But they will find new scary-as-hell labels for sex positive people who want a healthy, natural, realistic approach to erotic activities.

They need to gin up fear. Otherwise they can't justify the repression.


I can't think of a better argument to keep using regular money :-D

[–] Teal_Tiger@reddthat.com 1 points 11 months ago

Why don't you show me some examples of 39 year olds who look and behave exactly the same as 5 year olds? Post a link.

You can cite scientific research demonstrating how 39 year olds are completely different from 45 year olds, right? So do it.

There must be hilarious YouTube vids of peeps confusing 8 year olds and 38 year olds. Send the URLs.

or.... no.... wait..... is is possible you're totally full of shit? :-D

Sir, you're too young to buy those cigarettes. You look like you're 5 years old -pulls out driver's license proving he's 35- [ yeah, this happens all the time :-D ]

[–] Teal_Tiger@reddthat.com 1 points 11 months ago (1 children)

I'm in my 50s. You think I'll learn that working parents approaching middle age, people who finished puberty decades earlier, are in fact children, and this info will come to me sometime after I retire?

Sorry man. You're a fool typing utter bullshit.

The difference between a kitten and a cat is puberty. The difference between a puppy and a dog is puberty. The difference between a child and an adult is puberty. This is simple science. It is not hard. We become adults in our early to mid-teens. #BasicBiology

[–] Teal_Tiger@reddthat.com 1 points 11 months ago (3 children)

Obviously 39 year olds look and behave exactly the same as 5 year olds. Like, duh. They're all children. Whereas they are completely different from 45 year olds who are now adults.

On the subway, I'm like "Is that dude 8 years old? or 38? I really can't tell. Children all look alike." but there's no way anyone would ever think a 38 year old is 45 or vice versa. Those are like different species.

[–] Teal_Tiger@reddthat.com 1 points 11 months ago (5 children)

39 year olds are children. K.


I just skimmed through a video where the author's conclusion is based entirely on the idea that kids are too stupid to understand that there's a difference between cartoons and real life.

The level of stupid on YouTube is astounding.


Total fear-mongering bullshit.

The key word here is "SUSPECTED"... they don't know. With millions of users on the platform they suspect 600 pics.

"found over 600 pieces of known or suspected child abuse material"

No one in their organization could look at 600 pics BEFORE they wrote the report?

This is not a serious group of researchers. They are obviously lying like hell.

Why do they suspect these 600 pics?

because “We got more photoDNA hits"...

in plain English that means their software flagged the photos. A robot said they are suspicious. Out of millions and millions of pics all over Mastodon 600 are maybe bad according to a bot.

Here's a link to the absolute shit propaganda:


[–] Teal_Tiger@reddthat.com 1 points 1 year ago

With all due respect, Mr Boomkop3, I really doubt that you're as stupid as you pretend to be.

[–] Teal_Tiger@reddthat.com 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

It was great :-D

We got much more respect and had much better lives than teens do today.

[–] Teal_Tiger@reddthat.com 1 points 1 year ago

Way to intentionally miss the point. Just like a standard troll.

[–] Teal_Tiger@reddthat.com 1 points 1 year ago

You're sliding into annoying troll now.

[–] Teal_Tiger@reddthat.com 1 points 1 year ago

Read what I've already written to you. Stop and think. Question your priors.

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