
joined 1 year ago
[–] Specific_Skunk@lemmy.world 8 points 11 months ago (2 children)

Your username has been saved to be repeated at the end of the chorus, Decoy321. It will replay the entire time I’m perched on my ladder building this somehow neverending patio cover. You will rue the day in 3-6 years when I see you again in the comment section of a shitty meme. You. Will. Rue. The. Day.

[–] Specific_Skunk@lemmy.world 8 points 11 months ago

Bro, as a woman in a “good state”, abortion rights (it’s not abortion rights, it’s bodily autonomy) did not survive. They are thinly-veiled and hanging on by a thread.

It took me 3 years, 5 doctors, and 2 ‘health care providers’ to be granted the right to sterilization and I was still asked “what if you meet a guy and HE wants a baby?!” multiple times. There were mental health councilors and board decisions. They insisted I would want more because I would meet the right man, even after having an abortion post-child. That was 12 years ago during the Obama administration in a dependable blue state. That shit is NOT sacrosanct and never was.

[–] Specific_Skunk@lemmy.world 15 points 11 months ago (5 children)

Fuck you for putting this in my brain.

Otherwise, I hope life is treating you well and you have a nice weekend.

But seriously, fuck you.

[–] Specific_Skunk@lemmy.world 47 points 11 months ago (7 children)

Have you met babies? They are eating, pooping, suicide machines.

[–] Specific_Skunk@lemmy.world 10 points 11 months ago

In all fairness, due to the sheer size of Reddit the likelihood of a drunk expert-in-that-specific-thing that rejoices in oversharing their very specific knowledge is not 0%. Dude was desperate.

We know his perfect answer was probably buried 12 subcomments deep on a 6 year old hentai thread, though. Only written online as the result of said aforementioned expert butting into an argument about pillow exports or something. Out of reach. Forever lost to the vast expanse of the internet.

Anywho, sucks for that guy. He’s in prison now because his google search landed him in North Korea.

[–] Specific_Skunk@lemmy.world 6 points 11 months ago

We picked up a 12 year old civic hatchback before Covid for 5k and it was in immaculate like-new condition, low miles. It got totaled right after our other car’s engine finally wore out. I then found a 10 year old Toyota for 16k. It was the lowest price in a 200-mile radius for cars/small trucks with under 150k miles on them that weren’t limping/totaled/savaged.

It was fucking flabbergasting.

[–] Specific_Skunk@lemmy.world 24 points 11 months ago

Some fish have little “hairs” on their body that are very similar to the “hairs” humans have in their ears to detect sound. As part of a trial to regrow damaged “hairs” in people with noise-induced hearing loss (soldiers, factory workers, etc), we had to uh, induce some damage so there was a test subject for the drugs. Turns out, tooth brush heads work really well for transmitting high-frequency waves through small volumes of water. Also turns out that I was not cut out for trials requiring living things. It was rough on the psyche.

[–] Specific_Skunk@lemmy.world 29 points 11 months ago (3 children)

I wouldn’t be surprised if the initial purveyor of poo was a researcher, because they are always hauling weird shit around. I was once asked why I was carrying around 40 toothbrushes and when I responded with “for fish stuff”, the looks only turned more confused. I can only imagine being a well-traveled researcher trying to return through customs with my latest batch of study materials.

[–] Specific_Skunk@lemmy.world 4 points 11 months ago

I guessed I’ve missed that so far. Who?

[–] Specific_Skunk@lemmy.world 19 points 11 months ago

As opposed to what? Leaving people homeless so those greedy banks and landlords can’t get at their money? Yeah, that’ll show ‘em.

[–] Specific_Skunk@lemmy.world 3 points 11 months ago

Just beware of changing interest rates. I banked with CIT for a while when interest rates were tanking pre-Covid and I watched my rates drop every month with no written notice (this is standard practice). Also take note that it may take a few more days to retrieve your money when compared to a local branch.

I finally gave up and moved my money “home” because their login and password updating processes were so cumbersome that I was constantly calling their help line and I became worried about my money getting trapped there.

If you don’t need the money for a while, maybe check out 6-12 month CDs.


It’s a niche geographic location but contains millions of people. Come over to see some photos, ask some questions, or learn about our temperate rain forest, what little remains of it, and what you can do to preserve it and help it adapt.


At least for a few minutes. Then he jumps up and does the “fire drill”, frantically rolling around in the shaded grass to get the heat off him. Truly the orange cat of dogs.

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