Oh, look, it's the Cancerous Parasites Assaulting Civilization.
Hogwarts Legacy on Switch. I should have known better, but my local Walmart had it on sale for $29.99 a few weeks ago and I bought on impulse after reading a few posts about how it's gotten better after updates. I've had glitches galore. Mad pop-in, falling through geometry, crashes, and two save game corruptions, all in the most up-to-date version available. If this is better, I can't imagine how broken it was at launch. I feel like I got $5 of content out of this. If the glitches were at least amusing, I might be ok with it, but the save corruption is just unacceptable.
So my child, who is not old enough for their own account, will now no longer be able to watch Disney+ while attending school at their residential academy 400 miles away. Just like Netflix. And just like Netflix, my subscription will be canceled the moment they try to block them from logging in.
We hear ourselves all the time, but we don't sound at all to ourselves the way we actually sound. We don't have a sort of internal picture of ourselves to create dissonance with our reflection or photographs in the same way we do with our voices. It's that dissonance that makes us distrust or dislike hearing ourselves as we actually sound because that isn't the voice we identify with internally.
I think you have this flipped, though. It's more like we hear ourselves all the time, but we don't sound at all to ourselves the way we actually sound. We don't have a sort of internal picture of ourselves to create dissonance with our reflection or photographs in the same way we do with our voices. It's that dissonance that makes us distrust or dislike hearing ourselves as we actually sound because that isn't the voice we identify with internally.
Chronically Unemployed
Same. I only go to Reddit for those niche tech topics that I can't find useful info anywhere else. I really want to abandon it wholesale, but Reddit has pretty much completely captured the audience for a lot of more niche topics.
The patching never worked consistently for me, and after I bit I realized that Reddit wasn't a place I wanted to be anymore.
Absolutely. Every other interface was trash.
And the official app and web interface were a port-a-potty upturned into a flaming dumpster.
Same. Being annoyed by excessive ads is a surefire way for me to blacklist a product or company. Particularly obnoxious ads can do it with just a single exposure.
I won't ever buy a car from Frank Lita because of how obnoxious their ads are.
I hate that this is accurate, except maybe the "Video Game For The Tenth Time". I've figured it out by then.