Gimme a list.
And they do that because of decades of propaganda and being lied to by cunts.
They're as much victims of this shit as the people they've been told to hate.
You and I have more in common with the most rabid chud on this continent than we do with oligarchs like Musk and Zucc or carpetbaggers like Trump.
Be mad. Go through those stages. But when shit gets bad and they turn on him. Don't go wagging a finger. Offer a hand instead.
Now that's an amazing headline.
Torrent+ is seriously a great streaming service. Great selection. Affordable prices.
It's just the best.
It isn't chump and his taintsuckers you gotta worry about.
It's the army of Federalist Society lawyers and policy experts around him. They've spent decades figuring out the removed in the armor of our governmental system. Figuring out how to dismantle it piece by piece.
Edit - wtf is that removed about? Wait....oh. bot thinks I did a racism.
You guys gotta get out of this teamsport mindset.
It's not just them feeling the pinch. It's real people that you probably care about. And we're all in the shit together.
Not the first time.
They'll bring it back.
Stealing from thieves isn't a crime.
Especially not when China turns around and Robin Hoods it back to the world.
Just saying.
Thank you very much.