Eu! Du ju habe a leucence fur dat neuf mait!?
This is a fuse box, with a flathead you should be able to open it and/or pull a small tray with the fuse itself inside. You Brits do your electrical wiring with ring-shaped circuits and put a fuse in every outlet.
This kind of outlet is intended for things you don't unplug and a socket doesn't make sense, usually boilers, ovens, stoves, ACs, alarm systems as already commented...
Weird world we live in where a literal work safety equipment picture can be pondered not safe for work.
Take this with a pinch of salt, I'm not a programmer just a nerd that likes those kind of things. I tried them years ago first swift (I think it was in version 2) and a couple years later rust, and while both are great I found swift makes it easier to write clear code you're gonna understand and like when you come back to it. Rust was better I think with concurrency (at the time), you'll catch everything at compile time, but they talk about interoperability with c++, so this safety will be lost since most code interfacing with c++ will be unsafe.
And that the things they eat are the result of natural selection only.
Meowdy pardner!
Yeah maybe not even non-standard as much as non-formal in this case.
I wanted to mean 'different from what you learn in English class in school as a kid' so non-formal, non -standard, dialectal, slang, misspellings, same-sounding words...
More or less my point, languages are weird with lots of arbitrary idiomatic things—'would rather' but 'had better'.
After posting the comment I've thought 'wait, it makes more sense for it to be should' so my guesses are a bit off today.
That'd be a contraction of 'would' in this case, wouldn't it? As an ESL speaker I used to find these grammar 'mistakes' (for lack of a better word) made more difficult for me to parse the sentences. As with code 'written once but read many times' would apply here.
You are right on the counting. Thanks for the correction! I must've read '-dia-' as a diphthong, I don't think I've ever said 'pediatrician' out loud until now. Still a haiku anyways.
And that tune, almost none of the haiku fit the melody! For singing you have to take into account the accents and on beats. Don't get me wrong I had a good chuckle and may or might not start doing it myself but as a rule of thumb to recognize (or gatekeep) haiku is not the best.
I think the other commenter was talking about the lady in the picture.
The song is a popular song a bit older than great big sea. Edit: the song starts at ~1:09