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[–] 2 points 2 days ago (1 children)

That's exactly an instance where this would happen. Since the value of the land itself not what's built on it is valuable in this instance. Look at the value of the land near any ski resort town over the last 10 years.

[–] 7 points 2 days ago (4 children)

Okay that kind of makes sense. There is a problem though, well three.

Imagine you live in a small town. Something happens (COVID for instance) and your town becomes popular and your land value goes up. Yesterday your house was worth 100k but now it's worth 500k+. Your saying those people should essentially be forced out of their homes? To be bought up by rich people?

Additionally this means only the super rich would be able to afford homes? This tax would essentially mean only the top 1% could have a home and basically give them a free for all on any land they want. Why would we want that?

Lastly if you increased land tax by that much landlords would have to increase rent prices to offset this? So even with a govt subsidy the renter is still the person paying this increase.

Honestly I'm intrigued by this idea but once you start thinking about how it would work it falls apart. There is probably some variation of this that could work. Maybe in cities they'll be an extratax if you don't build some sort of minimum housing? But this is already pretty similar to just basic property taxes.

[–] 3 points 2 days ago (7 children)

I don't understand how would a 100% land tax work? If you own a 300k house you'd have to pay 300k in taxes every year? So basically making housing unaffordable except for the ultra rich?

Also why would anyone build apartments if they weren't going to make a profit? What's the incentive? No one would do anything if they couldn't make money doing it.

If landlords are bad or too expensive why not move, another building another state another lower cost of living area? Agreed rents are super high but that's mostly in dense urban areas. You're paying a premium for location.

I'm really not seeing any honest answers here about how to fix this problem. Besides the government should provide everyone free housing? How would that work how would you decide who gets to live where? Who gets the apartment on the lake vs next to the airport/oil refinery?

Like I get it housing is expensive but I haven't seen anything here that would actually help fix that? Ironically more landlords and more apartments would probably help.

[–] 2 points 1 month ago

You're not wrong that would help but this is one thing I actually don't mind. Roads and infrastructure costs are paid partially by taxes on gas which electric cars don't use. Electric cars are also worse for roads (ie heavier). Would I prefer to pay less? Yeah duh of course, but at least (for me) this particular increase in cost actually makes sense so doesn't bother me as much. This is common in a lot of states not just Georgia.

[–] 12 points 1 month ago

This is just sad. Whether she lied about McDonald's or not has no bearing at all on who I will vote for in the coming election. In the grand scheme of things this is meaningless. In fact if this is literally all that can be dug up about Harris it kind of speaks highly of her.

At the end of the day we all lose cause essentially elections are coming down to whoever is the lesser of two evils and not someone you stand behind.

[–] 1 points 3 months ago
[–] 1 points 3 months ago

Yes, hence my comment. Maybe go back and read (all the words) from the top ;-)

[–] 2 points 3 months ago (3 children)

From the Ashai website - "Asahi Linux is a work in progress. Many hardware components are not yet supported!"

Just be warned a lot of people have bricked or nearly bricked their computers just trying to get Ashai installed on their Mac. Daily driver this is not but they are making great progress! It will get there eventually.

[–] 1 points 3 months ago (6 children)

I mean technically it does. Isn't this the Ashai Linux and isnt it very Alpha / Beta stage? As far as I'm aware this is not recommended for anything critical ( per the project maintainers) and unless OP loves tinkering he is most likely going to hit a lot of unique edge case scenarios that require a lot of time to unwind. If you have a very narrow use case this might work but is probably not worth the headache.

[–] 1 points 4 months ago (2 children)

Wait so how is it faulty and bad programming if it disengages when emergency vehicles are present? You'd prefer it to stay on in emergency situations?

[–] 2 points 4 months ago (4 children)

Yeah sure if that's what makes you happy.... 👍. Nothing like blinding random people in cars in your spare time.

[–] 5 points 4 months ago (11 children)

Ugh I know people feel strongly about FSD and Tesla. As some one who uses it ( and still pays attention hands on wheels when activated) when FSD is active as soon as it sees anything resembling emergency lights it will beep and clearly disengage. I am not sure, but it's possible this person probably is just using Tesla as a scape goat for their own poor driving. However in my experience it will force the driver to take control when emergency lights are recognized specifically to avoid instances like this.

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