Love this! What kind of toys do you suggest? I have lots of sticks with feathers and small mice or balls to chase, but at some point they get bored of everything.
This right here. Smartass little rascals.
Smart trick! I will try that but they mostly do it at night, when I am sleeping...
I think the dog wouldl end up becoming theirs, as well as all of my other possessions.
You know what? I am going to try. I got nothing to lose.
I worry they will try to jump to anything hanging. Its not a big apartment so they have high furniture everywhere to jump to anything in the ceiling...
I will try that! Anything to appease their sudden herbivorous appetite.
There's nothing mine in my apartment anymore, I keep forgetting that.
The eat my cactus too 😱 I don't even know why
Cold as fuck, staying home to do some cleaning and playing games. I can't complain.
I can't not share zefrank's short about this bird: https://youtube.com/shorts/bhpkyClvUUg