Apparently this total fucking loser got me too lol!
I wasn’t even subscribed to most of those and pretty sure never even visited them
Don’t come to fediverse if you don’t wanna talk to anyone
Apparently this total fucking loser got me too lol!
I wasn’t even subscribed to most of those and pretty sure never even visited them
Don’t come to fediverse if you don’t wanna talk to anyone
Now someone should put that on a USB stick on a balloon to NK
There’s a professor and his research group at university of Michigan that does compliant mechanisms that u could check out if they’ve got something. It was a while ago that I applied there so possible he moved but still worth a check.
I’ve never used freecad as I’ve always had access to a cad program thru either school or work. One option that’s not free is to join a maker space that has better cad programs or just torrent. But you’re definitely in need of FEA for the bistable part
Ernest Saves Christmas
We don’t negotiate with ~~terrorists~~ lactose
Terrible hangovers
Now I wanna find and watch that old movie with the filthy animal line
I had a roommate that took advantage of me like that for 2 years. In the end I kept his security deposit because he cost me so much money
What’s 2+2?
Engineer: 4e0
Mathematician: grabs chalk and begins a proof
Accountant: what do you want it to be?
A lot of my friend’s parents have moved to Florida since trump became pres the first time, solely for the right wing politics. So seems to be a new wave of elderly coming to let their inner Karen out
Trumps degeneracy just took over so you can expect more McDonald’s advertisements from the White House
It will get worse