No need for the entire rehash--feel free to just cherry pick some votes from her track record that her base expected her to vote one way, but she voted another. Since she's apparently done so again and again and again, that shouldn't be too hard for you, as you seem to follow her career closely. When politicians do that kind of thing frequently enough to build a reputation, someone usually compiles those instances. A link to such a compilation would also work to sway your detractors.
Legitimately curious about this. Since the sources I read don't mention this, I am afraid I'll be doomed to relying on propaganda unless someone educates me. Please help me by providing examples of AoC selling out, and ideally link to the sources so that I may enlighten myself in the future. Thanks!
Do you even read?
I know that this is the cycling community, but... Why would someone choose to bike to Costco unless they are an employee? Are there people who do not purchase a carload of goods when they go? Cyclists are nowhere near Costco's target demographic, so this really doesn't seem surprising.
Only the wrapper containing the Android UI is addressed by the fork
Discontinuation of Syncthing will cause stagnation in the fork as well, unless the fork's devs announce(d?) they are picking up more work
I think it turned into some amount of shit slinging that stopped being relevant to the shit at hand. I'm guessing mods decided to close that sphincter before the verbal diarrhea overflowed the rim of the post ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The poop knife is irrelevant until and unless one plans to flush, which this question did not ask.
Also, why do you assume the nurse is a lady?
I'd like to think there is a strategist in her camp who urged Biden to stay in for as long as he did, and only swap out after the first debate, closer to the 3 month runway mark. And that strategist is just waiting until after the election to gloat publicly about the scheme.
Now that's a conspiracy theory I can get behind.
Sync has it as an app option, and several of the apps I was using prior to sync had something similar.
This has vastly improved my experience on Lemmy's Top 6 Hours
I've seen this episode of Black Mirror