
joined 1 year ago
[–] ExLisper@linux.community 0 points 10 months ago (1 children)

Yes, Android has issues but what I'm saying is that so far Linux on phones really hasn't been able to compete. No one want's a phone with no camera, no GPS, no apps and terrible battery. Making Linux phones is just super difficult and sadly I don't see it happening anytime soon. Android is a good platform with lots of hardware and apps. You have Fairphone offering long tern support, f-droid offering privacy oriented apps and LineageOS offering stable OS. Getting more phoes to support it is a better bet than getting Linux to properly work on modern phones.

[–] ExLisper@linux.community -1 points 10 months ago (6 children)

Well, she didn't win enough.

[–] ExLisper@linux.community 3 points 10 months ago (3 children)

Yes, it's all true but the issue is you can already do a lot of those things with a lot of cheap hardware that is is simply easier to support than old phones. And when it comes to phones being phones Android is really good and has a lot of apps. I think the problem with Linux phones getting more popular is that the overlap between desktop/server and mobile is very small. I mean I use my phone only for phone things and a lot of things I do on my phone I can do only on my phone (e.g. charging an electric car is basically impossible without a Android/iPhone). Having a phone that can do some things desktop/server can do but can't do a lot of things a phone can do is pretty much pointless at this point.

When we'll get a proper Linux phone with full Android apps support and convergence it will be really awesome but I just don't think there's enough interest to get there at this point.

[–] ExLisper@linux.community 20 points 10 months ago (1 children)

I honestly don’t really get what there is to gain by using “Desktop Linux”.

More freedom I guess. I remember my n900 and how fun it was to just ssh into it and dig in my home directory, install apps with packet manger, edit config files with vi and so on. It really felt like having small Linux machine in my pocket. With Android everything is definitely more locked up but then again, I'm not sure what would I do if it was more open. Writing apps for Android is easier than for desktop (or just as easy), there are no more hardware keyboard phones so using terminal on them is terrible anyway and phones just work anyway so there's no need to mess with the configuration. Personally I mostly gave up on the 'Linux phone' idea and if I need any new features I will simply write cross platform app that runs on Android (for example with tauri).

[–] ExLisper@linux.community 28 points 10 months ago (34 children)

AOSP. Sad but true.

When first pinephone came out I really believed it's heading somewhere. It thought that it will be kind of like raspberry Pi (fun, cheap platform to play with) and that we'll quickly see copycats and it will slowly grow the way Linux on desktop did. AFAIK nothing like this happened. You still can't get a phone with decent Linux support which for me shows that we're stuck with android. I think most people that would help Linux phone happen are simply satisfied with LineageOS so there's no incentive to put as much effort into it as it requires.

[–] ExLisper@linux.community 6 points 10 months ago (8 children)

translation: his greatest achievement has been not being Trump

No, the achievement was actually winning the election. Unlike Hilary for example.

[–] ExLisper@linux.community 7 points 10 months ago
  • opens file in nvim, can edit code immediately, code is processed in the background and info appears after ~30 seconds
  • opens Idea project, everything is unresponsive for a minute

Yep, I will stick to nvim.

[–] ExLisper@linux.community 3 points 10 months ago

Romanes eunt domus!

[–] ExLisper@linux.community 11 points 10 months ago

You spelled vim wrong.

[–] ExLisper@linux.community 1 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

No, it doesn't. First, changing constitution would be impossible. Two, even if you did all this it would just make right wing states get even more extreme (there's nothing in the plan that would let central government protect human and constitutional rights in red states).

Unfortunately US political system wasn't designed in a way that let's it change with time. To introduce big reforms like this it would pretty much have to collapse and be rebuild from scratch. Realistic way to make things better is simply organizing locally to inform/educate people about progressive/socialist policies, electing moderate/progressive politicians to take over Democratic party and simply creating a political force that can actually oppose Republicans instead of trying to comprise all the time.

No so long ago it was generally accepted that Republicans will always be a minority party. They managed to take over the government though smart PR, well organized (dis)information campaigns and long term, bottom-up work to take over institutions. Now Democrats have to do the same.

[–] ExLisper@linux.community 1 points 10 months ago

In Spain we do cured goat/sheep cheese and some cured ham/salchichon. Put that between fresh, home made bread and your golden.

[–] ExLisper@linux.community 0 points 10 months ago

Or you can make your sandwich at home and wrap it in some food grade wrapping material (like aluminum foil).


Tech company faces negligence lawsuit after Philip Paxson died from driving off a North Carolina bridge destroyed years ago



I'm thinking about learning to play drums for some time now and I have a question. If I'm a complete beginner should I still get a full drum set? I know you can buy a cheap electric set for like $300 but can I start with something smaller and simpler? Are there some kind of electric pads that would work for taking first steps and that would later let me progress to full drum set? It's not that I don't have space, I'm just not sure I will stick with it and I don't want to be stack a big set I don't use later. Or full set is actually the best way to start?


How close was it?


Haven't seen any posts about this and it's a pretty big thing. From DMA website:

Examples of the “do’s”: gatekeepers will for example have to:

  • allow third parties to inter-operate with the gatekeeper’s own services in certain specific situations;
  • provide companies advertising on their platform with the tools and information necessary for advertisers and publishers to carry out their own independent verification of their advertisements hosted by the gatekeeper;
  • allow their business users to promote their offer and conclude contracts with their customers outside the gatekeeper’s platform.

Example of the “don'ts”: gatekeepers will for example no longer:

  • treat services and products offered by the gatekeeper itself more favourably in ranking than similar services or products offered by third parties on the gatekeeper's platform;
  • prevent users from un-installing any pre-installed software or app if they wish so;
  • track end users outside of the gatekeepers' core platform service for the purpose of targeted advertising, without effective consent having been granted.

We'll see how this plays out but this is first move in a very long time that could open up platform like WhatsApp to 3rd party clients and force Google and Apple to open their mobile OSes to other apps. Maybe we'll see stock Android without play services? One can dream...

P.S. https://digital-markets-act-cases.ec.europa.eu - page about the legislation

Recommend me a game (linux.community)
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by ExLisper@linux.community to c/linux_gaming@lemmy.world

Hi all,

Recommend me a game! I'm looking for something casual (to play for 20-30 minutes from time to time), challenging (like in difficult to master), not super complicated (I don't want to spend hours learning all the rules), but not super simple (when it's too repetitive the patters get ingrained in my brain. anyone else has this?), cheap (don't want to spend $30 on a game I will play from time to time). Must work on Linux and on an integrated GPU. Games I enjoyed previously:

  • Fistful of Frags
  • smashcarts.io
  • xevil

What I did a lot years ago was to play single levels of games over and over until I totally crashed it even if I wasn't that interested in the entire game. I guess what I like most is figuring out the smallest details of a game, not getting into long campaigns.

So, what can I play?

Edit: Thanks for all recommendations so far but I see I need to add one more requirement: no levels. I'm looking for something quick, in and out, skirmish, death match, melee type of game. Not something where you build a character, solve puzzles and so on.

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