
joined 8 months ago
[–] EightBitBlood@lemmy.world 2 points 21 hours ago

Funny enough, there's been studies on Pedophilia that determined:

"pedophiles seek to gain a feeling of power and control" and also "pedophiles lack sexual interest in adults, and find children less intimidating."

What do most greedy narccissists want? Power. Who are they intimidated by? Critical thinking adults. Something kids lack.

So the greedy - who are obsessed with power - who avoid critically thinking about their poor use of resources - will likely be drawn to pedophilia as a sexual outlet.

Elon Musk comes to mind. For many reasons.

[–] EightBitBlood@lemmy.world 5 points 7 months ago

This movie honestly started as a Star Wars script. And if made in that universe, it would have made the sequel trilogy look good in comparison. Now it's like Netflix ordered a new Star Wars movie from Wish.com.

[–] EightBitBlood@lemmy.world 8 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

I mean, these are all excellent policies. But I feel like they put the policy cart before the horse as they don't address any of the major issues this country has been facing for decades.

Healthcare? Still worse from Trump. But sure people aren't dying from rationing insulin they can't afford.

Military Spending? Worth it to protect Ukraine, but why are we increasing an already inflated budget we can't afford?

Minimum wage increasing for the first time in decades? How about student debt is forgiven for only the most vulnerable.

Public education? Higher education? Inflation? Job security? Voting rights? Abortion? Expanding the Supreme Court?

I'm not saying this administration hasn't done good for this country. And I'm certainly not saying the alternative would be better.

What I'm saying is that this countries house is on fire and you want us to clap when all the Biden admin has done is turn on the garden hose.

Sure we're "moving in the right direction" - but for the last 20 years the US keeps moving backwards much faster than it can move forward. Building this country back brick by brick doesn't do much when it keeps getting bulldozed.

If the Biden admin wants people to vote for them in droves, pulling the corporate hand out of their ass to enact some immediate and much needed changes through executive orders would be a fucking slam dunk. We all watched as the previous administration used the "unitary executive" theory to pass a bunch of horseshit we all now have to deal with, but when it comes to actual progress this admin doesn't want to take that path when it's the only one that will lead to actual long term systemic change.

[–] EightBitBlood@lemmy.world 5 points 8 months ago

I think a better strategy is to run for office rather than vote. Because voting doesn't do much if the available candidates are turncoats or shills. It should be educate, organize, and run. Otherwise we get more Scinemas running for raising minimum wage and not at all voting for it when it counts most.

[–] EightBitBlood@lemmy.world -1 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Not to be pedantic, but neither Automatic Transmission Fluid nor Data Encryption Algorithms have any kind of jurisdiction in any country on the planet. Op provided enough context clues to understand the country they're talking about.

The only crime they committed is not including three words in a bracket to say "everywhere (in the US)" while still mentioning the jurisdiction of the three letter agencies in that country.

Is it US centralism thinking? Sure. But it's not like OP left out all the necessary info to determine where and what they were talking about. Not to mention their entire post is a joke with a clear punchline. I don't think anyone here is too stupid to understand the use of "jurisdiction" in OPs message, or the punchline it leads to, so why are you pretending to be that way to make a point? It simply weakens your point.

Imo there are much better places and comments to point out US exceptionalism BS than a throw away joke with enough context clues to understand it.