Probably slightly more generalized like a urologist chat.
The outside of the kernel is very fibrous, so when chewing it's less about breaking down the outside and more like popping the insides out of its skin. We need all kinds of fiber in our diets, so the outside of the corn kernels passing through is just fine.
This is how I water them at home.
Put plant in sink. Soak with water. Allow to drain. Use draining as an excuse not to do dishes. Get irritated with myself for not putting the plant back as I catch myself needing to drain the pasta I'm cooking for dinner so I shuffle shit around while almost burning myself. Put plant back.
I've had bad experiences with melatonin, but now I find it can be helpful in smaller doses. I cycle through a bedtime thc/CBD/melatonin sleep aid (Wonder Wellness Sleep), L-theanine, and melatonin, only taking one for tops a week at a time. That rotation seems to help.
I remember some years back on Reddit, a med student was kicking himself because he noticed how sweet his gf was when he went down on her, but didn't make the association until after her symptoms/diagnosis.
I appreciate that description. This is the kind of shit that comes to mind every time I hear someone claim "you should consume ________ to boost your immune system!" Like, if we could so easily increase it's activity, this is the shit we'd be setting ourselves up for.
A lot of restaurants add a dab of pancake batter to scrambled eggs to help make them fluffy. In that case there's some leavening in the batter. I guess a touch of plain flour would add a little body to it? I wonder if self rising flour would be a better choice for fluff?
When I was a kid, the shitty dentist we went to constantly shamed me about not doing a good job with my teeth and drilled and filled everything he could. We eventually went to a better dentist, but then I ultimately ended up with damage from orthodontics, followed by a couple decades of poverty and depression. I can't even describe the kind of anxiety I have over the thought of dental work. Yeah, my mouth is crap now, but I floss multiple times a day and brush regularly. It'll probably cost more than what I have in my retirement fund to fix my teeth.
BTW - when my kids were little I had a conversation with their dentist about the shape of teeth. Sounds like I was genetically fucked from the start with deeply grooved teeth that are extremely difficult to avoid cavities. So fuck my childhood dentist for seeding that shame and anxiety.
Years ago I printed out a copy of a weights and measures chart with common ingredient substitutions and taped it inside a kitchen cabinet. I've found it incredibly convenient.
And this is how we become our grandparents. 🥴
I'm 52 and can't be bothered with the waste of time. I will occasionally shave because it does feel nice for a bit afterwards. Honestly, same goes with my pits. In all fairness though, I'm fair skinned with lighter colored body hair that isn't all that thick. EXCEPT for the motherfucking chin hairs. Those damn things I curse at each and every one that I rip from my face.
That said, people should do whatever the fuck they feel comfortable with in regards to their own body hair.
Band name, or album?
That's ok. They prefer it that way because it gives them cover to go unwitnessed.