The kool-aid is laced, kid. You should put it down.
AI trained on plagiarized art created by real humans who were not compensated for work that AI companies are now making money on.
Aka stealing
Definitely makes me happy to put some action behind my genuine love of these owls (and birds in general)
Christ, just give cash money to the people harmed by this trash. And also prosecute the Sacklers for murder and put them in prison forever.
I completely disagree with the sentiment here. My 40s have been great because they marked the point in my life when I finally lost my last fuck to give.
The freedom that provides is worth not being able to drink the way I used to in my 30s. Enjoy that achievement.
Dude, this is so amazing, thank you! I just found a raptor rescue a couple towns over from me that I didn't even know existed because I never thought to look. I'm donating to them for Christmas. Thanks for bringing this to our attention
These are so great, thank you for all the time and effort you put into this sub. It's been a real highlight for me during a tough time.
Bro, I got bad news for you, coming straight from Alberta...
I'm in the middle of book 7 and holy what a shift. I'm in the part where it's so overwhelming, you can't even begin to imagine how this will get resolved. Very excited to read the last two books.
More likely to rape adolescent girls. This is an epidemic being driven by rape.
This is the thing members of the public need to understand when they hear about healthcare understaffing and "shortages"
If we're understaffed, it's not just a matter of us working harder. It's a matter of corporations gambling with your lives and exploiting our commitment to our professional licenses to prevent that from happening. When faced with this untenable situation, we have no choice but to quit, and a lot of people have left healthcare entirely because they're tired of fighting with corporations rolling the dice.
At least part of the "shortages" you hear about are artificial, driven by these losses. Those people who left still exist, still have their training, and can renew their licenses and return to the industry if we can finally fix the horrific working conditions.
This is the one they were waiting for. There are several live cams trained on the area, and one of them caught the exact moment it erupted: