Right now. On you for ignoring that it started happening before we existed.
Imagined Rythm The the the the the the...
Oh, don't misunderstand. I had that thought first time I read Snow Crash about a decade ago now. Haven't found thought changing mind since. Just because Raven was poor doesn't mean he made a "bad" decision in certain senses!
Illegal =/= Immoral
I agree. And if it doesn't fire the missile, I'll go get that and hook it up to my Motorcycle like Raven (Snow Crash)!
When arrested, simply state, "Oh, no. You misunderstood! I'm totally anti-fashion and have absolutely nothing to do with those sorts you've clearly mislabeled me to by mistake!"
Be careful. The truth is illegal too.
Trump didn't win because he literally bought Musk to crack the election computer systems. He even blatantly admitted to exactly that at his victory rally right before his inauguration. Then he was inaugurated. So he really is a CIA asset because there's absolutely no difference between this crock of lies and every other CIA mission at every other targeted nation around the world.
USD will crash long before that happens.
You don't get trillionaires when the current puppet disassembles the USD by disassembling the USG. Then the only thing you got left are Nuclear missiles and Monero (because every other crypto is fraud).
Just maybe that isn't literally "everyone" and that "everyone" is rather a certain fraction with this set and is more of a gradient higher in occurances.
You, incidentally, didn't mention the key aspects. Obsessive focuses and focus methods used obsessively are kind of not in there anywhere. Also that these obsessive tendencies offput all the occurances that you described.
The relation therein is something we are familiar with. Furthermore, that those without such obsessive tendencies don't relate over the listed occurances as some kind of frequency.
Fact of the matter is that there are a good set of factors that this "disorder" is defined about. You're drivelling about the frustrations we have. Note that they are not using these frustrations as the definition of the disorder itself by as the byproduct of suffering from the disorder's key elements.