"I'm not hitting my goals on staying sober. I'd rather bet on my next drink to solve this problem for me."
I think "digital naive" is a better phrase than "digital native". They are born with computers all around them. But most adults forget to / are not able to educate them about technology and their implications.
Um sharepic é uma imagem que contém uma descrição curta e fácil de entender de um assunto para compartilhar nas redes sociais, facilitando a divulgação de mensagens.
So he drank too many lattes and didn't work hard enough. /s
It stops cars. It stops innovation.
Darauf erst mal eine Bruschedda
The app that I am using, Voyager, doesn't have an option to set the language for a post.
Bei günstigen Baumarkt- und Discounter-E-Bikes lachen die Fahrradwerkstätten dich auch zur Tür raus, weil sie die Elektromotoren nicht anfassen wollen/dürfen. Also keine Inspektion oder Reparatur um die Ecke.
Hat schon jemand die Senkung des Alters, ab dem nach Erwachsenenstrafrecht verurteilt werden muss gefordert?
Du bist nicht du, wenn du hungrig bist.
Horrible. Climate catastrophe is not the future. It's the present.