Thanks! I hate it!
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Awww to bad it’s fake! I knew it was too good to be true
i mean theres no way.. just curious did you believe this for a bit, kind of suspend disbelief hoping it was true or know it wasnt true but just needed it to be confirmed?
How could they get rid of the rest?
There doesn't need to be a snopes to understand this is clearly 100% fake... But I guess it doesn't hurt haha.
I was going to be creamated but I think me in resin, in a battle crouch, brandishing a sword, nude, is the way to go.
If I had that I would invite all the religious door to door dipshits to come in for a coffee
Try to die at your best then because the idea of my grampa posing like that isn’t exactly alfa manhood material...
oh no, Its gonna be old and gross
See I want it the other way around, cremated, placed in a resin Keychain, then given out to my friends and family.
Wouldn't all the bacteria inside you like your microbiome eventually decay your entire body?
I believe the hotdog is still fine?
Last time I checked, which is quite a few months ago, though it was still somewhat okay except it had started to expand, the resin had visible bulges on the long sides
Last I checked. It's been a bit.
Unless you eat those daily, you'd probably need to be injected with those same wonderful types of preservatives first.
Fake asf