Lemmy.world Support
Lemmy.world Support
Welcome to the official Lemmy.world Support community! Post your issues or questions about Lemmy.world here.
This community is for issues related to the Lemmy World instance only. For Lemmy software requests or bug reports, please go to the Lemmy github page.
This community is subject to the rules defined here for lemmy.world.
You can also DM https://lemmy.world/u/lwreport or email report@lemmy.world (PGP Supported) if you need to reach our directly to the admin team.
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Have you gone into your settings and verified that you're not blocking any accounts? There could have been an error in the database on the upgrade that inserted blocks. This is pure speculation but easy to check on your end.
It's not an account blocking issue. I cannot even see the comments on this post, including my own. I can only see your comment in my inbox. If I go to this post it does not show any comments, even my own replies.
Hopefully one of the admins can figure it out
This might come quite late but thankfully will be helpful for others.
I just had the same issue on my instance, I solved this by selecting Undefined in addition to English in settings > languages
Iโm not sure but it seems like unselected languages from that list are filtered out. Iโd rather prefer to see everything so maybe the best thing would be to just select them all but Iโm not sure
A whole community just for this? Well this is bad (the fact that it is even needed)
Just easier to link it to people whatever their instance is
That was the problem. I didn't even know there was a language setting until last month, when someone else commented about the same problem. Hopefully, anyone searching in this community will see your comment. Thanks for the reply.
This is a test. I am commenting on my own post to see if I can see my own comment.
Edit: I can see this comment, just not any of the others, or my replies to those other comments.
Did you check to make sure you don't have Neato in your blocklist?
I haven't blocked anyone. Weirdly, I don't see your comment, except in my inbox. If I go to my post and log out, your comment shows. If I log back in, I see no comments.
thats weird af bro.
This happens to me a lot, but the comments that show or don't show seem random. It's about 8/10 times I can see the comments. Opening in browser shows them just fine though. No idea how to fix
Prior to the lemmy update, I had a comment viewing problem. Refreshing the comments in my app would fix it. This issue is happening when viewing lemmy in my browser as well as my app. Refreshing doesn't fix the problem. Only when I am logged out can I see the comments. I can only see and respond to your comment through my inbox. If I go to the post. It all disappears.
Edit: Weirdly, I can see your comment, but not any of the others.