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The original was posted on /r/androidthemes by /u/MHcharLEE on 2023-06-01 19:15:19+00:00.
Congratulations to u/mrjonn for winning the last contest with their Omashu setup. Your theme will be displayed in our banner throughout this month, and will be added to our Hall of Fame!
It's pride month y'all. Let's celebrate diversity and equality with our home screens, because why the hell not. The title of this post is serious - don't use anything straight on your home screen for this contest. Text in a straight line? Nope, do it diagonally, or in a wave. Apps in a straight row? No can do.
Ok, maybe not really. We want your home screen designs to still be pretty, and I'm fully aware that forcing everyone to have everything crooked will be a disaster. So try to take a creative approach to the "no straight lines" notion, but you will not be punished for having horizontally-aligned text. Let's just have fun.
These rules apply specifically to this month's contest:
- Your theme must have references to Pride Month in some way.
- Your theme is highly encouraged (but not required) to have as little straight lines as possible.
General contest rules:
- Your submission must be a separate post and tagged as [Contest].
- The theme must be your creation. No modifying/reusing existing theme files/presets.
- Your submission must be a newly made theme, you can't post something you've already shared someplace else.
- You must not collaborate or ask for feedback during the making of your setup. Your contest submission needs to be your own work only.
- You are allowed only one submission.
- You are expected to share all resources related to the submission, except those that you've made yourself, those are optional.
The winner will be announced around July 1st, 2023. The winning submission will be displayed in the subreddit banner for the duration of the next contest. It will also be added to our Hall of Fame.