Well it is kind of weird that there is a barrier there
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It's likely to stop cars going down there. It also likely aims to slow down bikes and scooters, going into an area with more pedestrians.
It also likely aims to slow down bikes and scooters
It certainly succeeded with that!
I don't think it's supposed to be quite so literal in its application though.
delta-v is a cruel mistress
Not really, the sidewalk turns left in front of the house across the driveway. The area behind that gate looks to be a private drive. It probably abruptly ends in a more painful landing area than what that gate gave.
is it though? Could be a private drive
How did they not see it? They were looking straight ahead from what I can see.
Probably looking at their smartphone.
No, not looking at their smartphone
Humans don't have superfast reaction speed and that metal gate could have been open on their prior trips through the area so they likely where on autopilot coupled with human reaction timing while at speed meant not enough time to course correct
Don't assume everything bad happening to a person is caused by looking at a smartphone
Are you a boomer ?
Sorry if my comment comes off as aggressive, I'm just sick and tired of older generations stereotyping younger people and the "younger generations always staring at a smartphone" is a typical boomerism
I'm assuming they where on autopilot and that gate was previously open
Ow that looks like that broke some ribs.
That looks like it broke some ribs
They should go to the hospital and get checked up and I hope they did
That was a straight up head collision on metal, that person might have died.
I don't think they would've died but they could have broken a rib or two