Really? A 10 pound bill? Buy her something truly thoughtful, and symbolic of her skills. Buy her a vacuum cleaner. She'll love it.
Mildly Interesting
This is for strictly mildly interesting material. If it's too interesting, it doesn't belong. If it's not interesting, it doesn't belong.
This is obviously an objective criteria, so the mods are always right. Or maybe mildly right? Ahh.. what do we know?
Just post some stuff and don't spam.
This man wifes.
Uhhh, you might be marriage counsel or something.
Depending on how bad it is, I'd definitely try to pull something like this. Its blunt and funny enough to be a way to start conversation again. It's not really about the money, it's a means to engage. Your character and delivery are key, so it's not a formal attempt, more of a playful attempt.
I hope it helped!
Next step. build her a fort in the living room. Tell her it's just for her, but she may also invite you in to her fort. Give her Fort space, and she may give you Fort company
Bonus points if there’s pie
I'm gonna have to say that this all depends on what you did to piss her off...
I think it depends on the prior history.
This is a GOOD idea if he frequently told her "I'd give you my last dollar."
This is a BAD idea if his catch-phrase is "they're cheaper than a 10 dollar ho."
Yeah dude, are you working on the underlying reasons behind all this,
We will be wanting updates on how that went.
Wife here (not OP’s), the low effort effort is high effort in its own way and I approve Please tell us the infraction though!
What did you do?
You could just apologize?
What’s on page 2 OP? I see that PTO
Welcome to the single life, my friend
Just roll a joint and put it in the poem
That's adorable! I'll be your friend if she won't! Not in a wifely way, more along the lines of some random dude from the states that you can say is your friend!
Hey man, only you know your wife and friend. I'm sure you got this.