Tonight's dins:
Was beef in lemon and yogurt and stuff on a stick.
This community is a place created for the people of Melbourne and Victoria. We are a positive, welcoming and inclusive community. We might not agree about everything, but we always strive to stay civil and respectful.
The focus of our discussions is based around things that affect Victoria, but we are also free to discuss our local perspective on wider issues. Or head to the regular Daily Random Discussion thread to talk about anything.
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Adoption Certificate for Nellie, the Daily Thread numbat (with thanks to @Catfish)
Tonight's dins:
Was beef in lemon and yogurt and stuff on a stick.
I'll take half a dozen to start and keep'em coming.
Guys!! My other half won Powerball! He split the winnings with me and now I’m $10 richer. Drinks are on me!
I remember when I was about 10 years old, my mum gave me one of her scratchies and I won $20 bucks! I felt like a millionaire. I remember spending my winnings on a Monsters in my Pocket collectors set which had all the monsters in it. One of the best days of my life.
Thanks 🍺
Wooo! 🥂
Hello, I am alive. Still. Heheheh
I am still trying to log in on my phone (jerboa app and chrome mobile browser), but I am not getting a reset password link. I also cannot reset my password on PC (where I am typing this from) without remembering my old password... which wouldn't be necessary if I could remember my old password haha. I will keep trying, but if I am unable to reset my password so I can log in on my phone, I may set up a new, even more starchy, account.
Anyway, I am currently working from home, smashed out a busy day today, never once looked at my phone until after work, when I saw I was summoned by my good friend PeelerSheila :D <3
I will be available tonight on my PC :) I may need to work tomorrow, to help a colleague so I won't be able to reply tomorrow (I need my monitors for work lol), but I am here now my fellow DTers, my favourite people. I truly love you all
Edit: sorry if my tone is off, im kinda still in work mode bleeeeheheeheheheheehe lol
I too have returned to our people. Regular Breakfast will resume tomorrow morning.
My daughter found an photo (hard copy) of my old old cat from when he was a kitten.
From memory this photo is exactly 30 years old.
Photo of a black and white kitten
Kitty has seen some shit..
Later in his life he was missing a chunk of his ear and hospitalised a German Shepherd.
This was just first impressions.
Just realised it’s Friday the 13th! May the superstitions of this day help all your curses succeed! (Please use them for good not evil)
A black cat wishing you all a fangtastic Friday 13th
Miss Meow says Friday 13th can bugger off and she's not uncurling until the weather improves.
Oreo says try me. I did and got a swipe!
His Lordship and I have decided to have an absolutely over the top compliment day. Made a cuppa? Oh what rapturous divine beverage crosses my lips you truly are a credit to teamakers and all their arts! You have fed those felines with the grace and deftness of Apollo himself!
It's delightful.
Tonight I introduced the man to one of my favourite snacks. His beady little eyes lit up.
That is buttered simit, peanut butter and a cheese to cleanse the palate.
His words were "omg omg omg" (more than once) "I think you're on to something" and "I need to buy some peanut butter to take to work".
Volatile neighbours at it again. Seriously, fuck them
Today's shite
I second that motion.
Only meal I ate today: rice with furikake, soy sauce, fishy olive oil and hot sauce, with soft fried eggs, and Portuguese sardines.
Maybe it’s just this bleary Friday but feeling in a definite work rut of late. So I apologise for probably the deepest/longest post I’ve ever made online.
I’ve been in my (IT/AV/technical) industry 25 years, and at my current job almost 10, but due to some SERIOUS imposter syndrome am still pretty much doing the same work now that I was doing back in the day.
Around 15-20 years ago I was doing much more technically complex work than I am now and climbed to some higher leadership levels, but HATAED managing people so quit that job and dropped right back to the coal face where I’ve been ever since, with pretty much zero progression.
My boss’ boss - we were both at the same level when I first started. My manager, I trained them when they joined as a junior, helped them rise up to a role at my level, and then eventually supported them to go higher and they’re now my boss.
I’ve been approached by other groups over the years to join/help out/move up, but I’ve pushed back every time because I can’t help but think “I can’t do that”, “they THINK I know more than I actually do”, “if they find out I’m actually crap I’ll be unemployed with a family to support”, "I've hit the limit of what I'm capable of".
GAH. I wish I could just appreciate what I’ve got, but I come to work completely on autopilot, can’t remember the last time I actually had to use my brain for anything, and seem to just be the guy everyone turns to for help/advice, train new staff and to help further their own careers. Imposter syndrome blows. Wish I had the kind of personality that could fake it till I make it.
OK vent over, time for more coffee.
There's a thing called The Peter Principle - where you rise in the organisation until you reach your level of incompetence. I have to congratulate you on avoiding this horrible fate. Horrible both for yourself and others. I'm not being ironic here - if more people had a realistic idea of their own competencies then the world would DEFINITELY be a better place.
So props to you for being honest with yourself about what you can AND are willing to do. It's not strictly speaking imposter syndrome I think, unless you really want to play a competitive game of I'm better than you are, nyer nyer nyer. There is much to like about a regular and adequate for purpose pay packet.
Check out Dilbert syndrome online too, where incompetents are promoted to a level where they cannot impede production ....
Anyone else here given blood and not been able to fill the bag? I gave blood and followed the normal procedures (like drinking all of the water, having snacks beforehand etc.,) and yet I couldn’t completely fill the bag. It got close but the flow pretty much dwindled down to drops. Normally my body freely gives blood but this time around it was like “nah bruv, that’s as much as I’m willing to part with”.
Ted Cat chirped again. He will be ok 😸😭
( I also opened Ted's door, Bill ran in to steal his food. 🤬
I feel like this yo-yo weather is making all my houseplants sad. Don't worry guys, I feel just as wilty and confused as you do right now! On the plus side I think the humidity is helping some of them...
Watched “Asteroid City” last night. Still processing it lol🫠 I will say it’s the most Wes Anderson thing I’ve ever seen haha.
Have to take the train from city to Pakenham this afternoon.
Wish me luck on the "long" journey lol.
Someone shouts you a free drink and a counter meal at the local. What are you getting? Me. The fisherman's basket and an ouzo & raspberry.
i just woke up from a nap, but i genuinely have no memory of drifting off to sleep. i was lying down, tired but awake, next thing i know it's an hour later and i'm waking up with a start.
I have managed to wrangle my week such that I have NO meetings today, all deadlines are met/things are on track, and all I need to do is sit down and read a whole stack of papers (academic articles, not student papers). I'm sure this sounds boring AF to many of you, but it sounds like my perfect Friday!
I haven't made miso soup in so long that the last remaining bit I have has dried up and gone flaky. I've put it in the hot stock to slowly dissolve anyway. Let's hope it's still good for my gut.
Long time since I've had Japanese. Made asparagus goma-ae (sesame dressing - hand ground the seeds but i think I added too much soy sauce), rice is cooking, miso soup will be plain and I will just have some TINNED FISH (the last I have atm) as a side. Maybe soak some shiitake overnight for a side protein tomorrow.
What happened to starchy potato the starchy one? I’m not paying attention.
( I think ) glitchy phone, also very busy
How much does lease transfer typically cost? The place i'm moving to is charging $290 (which I will split with the outgoing tenant) but fuck me if that isn't exxy
Morning. I got back to sleep eventually
Ugh, COVID is running rampant with PAX (I mean there is PAX pox but now with COVID...). I just hope I don't get it for the 2nd time, I'm already dealing with possible long covid stuff from last year (though I will say, that I took the risks so I only have myself to blame it just sucks).
Anyone starting to get 'ad blockers are not allowed on YouTube' popups on the site on desktop? It went away when I pressed the X to close the popup but I foresee more shittiness (and a cat and mouse game with ad blocker devs).