What a cutie. Hope you're feeling OK, I'm sure she had a wonderful life
typical internet cats. videos, pics, memes welcome!
rule 1) be kind
other cat communities midwest.social cats
Damn, sorry for your loss 😔
I had a cat named Momo too, she got FIP which was 100% fatal at the time (vaccines for it didn't exist back then) and passed away. Hope they're snuggling together in kitty heaven ♥️
Oh no. I'm so sorry for both of your losses. Coincidentally one of our current cat's name is also Momo.
Just out of curiosity, did you all name your cats "Momo" after Tibetan dumplings, because "Dumpling" seems like a really cute name for a pet.
Actually, my SO named Momo meaning peach in Japanese.
I actually named her Mo after Mojang because she looks like a Minecraft dirt block and I was obsessed with Minecraft at the time. That's a cute idea though, she did definitely look like a little dumping♥️
My condolences. She looks really happy and well-cared for in that pic.
I have 4 cats of my own, two of which are sisters and approaching 15 years of age. They're in good health still, but I dread the day...
Rest in power
Rest In Play little one. May your sunspot never move on you.
Sorry to hear about your loss, it sucks when you have to say goodbye to a loved one.
She look very cute and I'm sure she brought you lot of happiness.
From cat person to cat person, I wish you all the best as you go through a difficult time.
Condolences. When my cat passes I honestly don't know what I'll do. I've had him since I became chronically ill and he is always at my side to keep me company.
I got my cat while I was in high school. She was by my side when I was diagnosed with chronic illnesses and was there with me nonstop as I healed from a couple surgeries over the years. She lived in every home I’ve lived in and has seen me through nearly every heartbreak and other challenge I’ve had in my life. I had to put her down at 20 years old on October 5th.
I told people for years that I didn’t know what I’d do when I’d lose her, except that I’d be a mess. And that’s true. Just reading the comments in this thread has me crying again, and I’m not sure if I’ve had a day without tears since Oct 5. But I’m alive. Losing her has left a hole in my heart and soul, but I’m starting to feel like I can breathe normally again most of the time.
It’s gonna suck, and there’s no way around that. But the love and joy you share now will be worth every moment of the grief you will feel. After all, grief is just love without a place to go.
I recommend taking lots of pictures, videos, and even sound recordings (I have many recordings of her purring). I get so much comfort from watching and listening to those. It’s not the same and it’s not enough, but it still helps.
I wish you all the best, in your health and his. I was so lucky to share twenty years of my life with my girl, and I hope you get as much time with your boy.
Beautiful Momo, rest peacefully sweet girl. I hope you and everyone who loved her is finding peace.
I'm sorry for your loss. Momo is beautiful.
Love you Momo
Oh damn, my condolences. 🫂
She was a real cutie! And she had the most expressive eyes I have ever seen.
It sounds like she had a lot of fun in your home. I try to remember things like that when I'm feeling a loss like this.
My cat Ascii has already informed us that she isn't waiting for us on the rainbow bridge. Something about, "you guys can catch up later. I got places to be."
RIP Momo the chirper ❤️
I’m so sorry. I know how hard this is
Beautiful cat - she looks like a lot of fun!
The next few days will suuuuck, but you've got a lifetime of memories with her to look back on and enjoy 😊 take care friend!
"The pain I feel now is the happiness I had before. That's the deal."
- CS Lewis
It's so hard to lose someone you love, but it's written into the contract from the moment you let them into your heart. I've lost a couple cats now, and when I feel myself getting sad while thinking of them, I allow myself that moment to process, but then am sure to remind myself of how lucky I am to have had something in my life that was so great that it could still make me feel that way, years later. It takes time to get there, but I think it's what they'd want.
My condolences to you, Momo is a true beauty.
My Nemo, momo, was last year. Something about them. Special little ones. God bless.
This is my standard issue loaf😻
Sorry for your loss 😥🩵I hope you're okay. Momo is beautiful!
I, too, have a toy-carrying chirper! Her name is officially Violet, but we call her Gubba. She has a stuffed fish she is particularly vocal over. We always know when she has it in her mouth, be cause her chirps take on a muffled, more variable and "conversational" tone. For example, she's usually more, "brr-brr" for attention, but with her toy, she's like, "uh-owwwwlll! Brrowww!" Finished off with some modulations caused by her chewing.
Here she is, chirping to let me know my lap needs room for her impending jump:
... And what usually follows the jump:
Just a heads up, we fucking love momo.
Sweet dreams, Momo. May you have all the toys and chirp to your hearts content in the beautiful land you now belong to. You will be missed and loved, but you'll have your people again some day 💖
Is Momo a reference to ATLA? she's beautiful, and I with the chirping I can definitely see why she'd have that name if it is
I was slightly confused reading the title because I live near this: https://maps.app.goo.gl/23R6ZoDjGC3j4bjE8
But reading the comments, it is clear, that's not what you mean.
Such a fluff. It's never easy losing a family member. I can't really put into words how I feel, so I'll just say that I hope you're doing as ok as possible through this difficult time.