Maybe flag this as NSFW?
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i'm guessing that you're not writing about the article but the photo used in that Wikipedia article.
what's nsfw about a photo of a 6 months old baby, used to demonstrate the birthmark that's the subject of the article?
are even baby bums nsfw now?
People still take nsfw as the point of the tag, since they scroll at work. Which, that's kinda on them if you ask me, but the nsfw tag is a courtesy originally intended for people at work so they could avoid rings that may cause issues in that setting, rather than specifically for sexual images.
NSFW it or I'll nuke it. The community has spoken. Nudity is generally covered in things NSFW.
Super cringe. I'll take the hate, though, if it means I don't have to look at an exposed ass unless I want to.
That's not what you wrote originally though? Don't write "the community has spoken" immediately followed by "I don't care what you all do, I do what I like". That's kinda the opposite of what you postured as in the beginning.
Or was that the royal We and you are the community?
And that's regardless of the fact that I agree that the photo falls under the original definition of NSFW.
It’s a bare bum? While not at all sexual, it isn’t something I’d want my boss to see me looking at while at work. Hence the not safe for work tag
Not ther person you responded too, but people at work should be considered very conservative with any kind of nudity. At least that's my opinion. Yes, you're right its not sexual, but that image is not something I would want to be looking at during work.
Youre mistaking NSFL and NSFW.
I wouldn't open any baby bum at work with my boss beside me.