This happened to me on a fourth generation Intel MacBook Air with Refind and Fedora. When you say all the keyboard things, do you mean resetting the NVRAM and SMC? I thought I did the NVRAM, but it turns out I didn't hold down the buttons for nearly long enough. After what felt like two minutes, I got the "Bong" sound, and I was back in business.
All things mac and macOS
Yes, that is what I meant. I will try them for very long and see if that solves it. Thank you very much for your idea!
I held it for about 5 minutes, and still nothing. I do have a french keyboard, so I don't knopw if that might impact the key combo? I think it wouldn't however, just cause it still has option(written as alt), cmd, and p+r. No other guesses, the laptop is completely unresponsive. Thanks for the idea, I will probably just take it apart and look
How old? Is the battery removable? If so, you can try removing the battery, holding down power for about 10s, put the battery back or plugging in the power cord, then retry booting it
Any battery is removable if you try hard enough 😂. No, the battery isn't removable without taking it apart, which I plan on doing at some point.