I was also a latecomer to this game (played it in college). The time jumps were crazy!
I stand corrected - there are versions for other platforms available according to Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Journey_(2012_video_game)
I believe it is still an exclusive
With the emphasis that they have done certain elements better: Brothers: A Tale of two sons (Show, Don't Tell) , Dark Souls (silent companion), Shadow of the Colossus (feeling of isolation/scale). I might add some more if I find the time.
I had a similar experience. Funnily enough I love walking simulators, or slow burns with similar mechanics so I was exactly in the target audience for this game but somehow it didn't click with me. I can understand which elements make the game great, but these elements have been done better by other games (in my opinion). I have great respect for the craft though.
I just hope they haven't abandoned it completely. But it would be nice to hear from the mods about the issue you raised. Would be a pity to lose such an active community.
As for games, I started Earthbound, finally
Who else remembers this obscure platformer? Especially the secret slapping move.
Happy to hear that Torna is a good game, Xenoblade 2 is my favorite. I think the best part of the Xenoblade games are the Titans. The environments are incredible because there is always a reminder that people are living their lives on a huge flying colossus
It is a bit better on the PC where you use the mouse
Thanks for checking! I will update the post.
This is going to be a bit of a grating answer, but, aside from Undertale which is a partial homage/subversion, the Mother series is very unique (on purpose).
You might like Live a Live if you want a JRPG. Otherwise, The World ends With You is a gamr that overlays a fantasy world over a seemingly 'normal' setting with a very unique art style. There are versions for different platforms but if you decide to play it you absolutely need to have a (3)DS
I'm wondering, did you buy the Vita recently or did you buy it while it was still sold in stores? I'm seeing a big resurgence of handheld emulation and think it's wonderful that it lets us play through famous older titles! I just bought a 3DS XL and am planning to play some old games I missed, too!