
joined 1 year ago
[–] 3 points 9 months ago

Irony of ironies – in the first pic, he's wearing a shirt that says "be the lion, not the sheep", emblazoned with an oh-so-majestic lion's visage, which he oh-so-erroneously envisioned himself as. That is just too rich.

[–] 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

lol Let it be known I have nothing against Majel Barrett. I immensely appreciate the endless work she put into keeping Trek going over the years, I love that her computer voice is omnipresent, I dig her as Nurse Chapel, and I think she would've been great as #1 on TOS, had she continued the role. Personally, I just think the writers pushed the earlier Lwaxana character too far into purposefully annoying territory, and without enough redeeming qualities to balance it out. She embodied some highly dislikable characteristics – a narcissistic sense of entitlement, being rudely dismissive, ignoring boundaries and being seemingly oblivious to others' feelings – which never made sense to me, her being a telepath. Either she's a Betazoid lacking in telepathy, or she's well aware her impositions and advances are unwanted and make people uncomfortable, but doesn't care and proceeds anyway. But any blame, I put solely on the writers, not Majel. And I definitely softened to her when they started giving her some character development, later in TNG and esp in DS9 with the Odo plotline. The elevator scene completely won me over.

[–] 4 points 1 year ago (8 children)

Unfortunately, not in the "nonexistent" category.

[–] 8 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Now I'm imagining the TOS version where 3/4 of the pie chart is "gets some tail", and 1/4 is "thinly veiled cold war allegories" about a society in decline that's lost all individuality and forgot how to function, as it's being run by a computer. (Although most of those involve getting some tail, too.)

[–] 2 points 1 year ago

Neato! It really is just a piece of (waterproof) paper on a clipboard – and you write on the clipboard, too – and with just a regular graphite pencil. I can't say I've ever given much thought to how one might write underwater in that situation, but if I had, I would've guessed some sort of waterproof tablet. But it's cool to see that sometimes the basics work better.

[–] 18 points 1 year ago (3 children)

The most surprising thing to me here, is that I'm looking at a scuba diver writing on what appears to be a piece of paper on a clipboard.