
joined 1 year ago

The problem is that basically democrats are the party of 'protect us from Republicans' and it's the one thing we agree on. Dividing by actual beliefs would only reduce the numbers of people available to shut down the nonsense Republicans are pulling.

There is obviously 1)some ridiculous loophole in the bill basically eliminating all rtr protections or 2)apple is setting up to somehow be the only ones who can do the repairs or sell the parts (for an absurd markup).

Apple will not just go along with right to repair as it's intended to be. They will shit all over it and find ways to make money on it.

Same. I still have pangs of grief over doomscrolling reddit (via Boost, RIP) and getting lost in nonsense like best of redditor updates.

That said, I spend WAY less time on my phone now, which is definitely a healthy thing

Staggering levels of ignorance on display in this article.

"We just needed to listen to our people and understand what, specifically, was problematic for them, and offer resources to address that.”

Seriously, this was a revelation?!

I have watched a ton of their documentary stuff and enjoyed it all. Lots of interesting topics I'd never think to watch shows on otherwise. My favorites have been the one about the Pepsi points guy and the McDonald's monopoly money theft. But the American Gladiators was solid.

[–] 18 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Pence may be right about this point but he's still a knob.

We need to all remember that and not turn him into some kind of statesman just because he isn't Trump.

OMG I loved the books. The show is making me want to go through them again but I have a stack of books I bought last year and still haven't read. I'll probably read Silo again though it is so freaking good.

Well honestly what does trump (or most republicans) care anyway? They'll be dead in a few years so they don't need to be concerned if the world is baking. All they care about is next quarters earnings.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Agreed. I can't help but feel like this hearing is intended as a distraction. My midwestern city just had another thunderstorm with 70+mph winds and its the 5th or 6th of the summer. We're in the middle of the hottest month ever in history and it's like DC is humming along as if it's business as usual. Nobody is even trying to do anything about fixing climate change or even just improving emergency preparedness for severe weather. Instead we have senators literally sitting in congress catatonic and having strokes on TV because staying in power is more important than doing anything for the country.

But hey, here's a crazy hearing about UFOs.


So, how much money do you think Matt and Trey are going to sue them for?