As another commentor mentioned, it would be great for these studies to include the relative harm to for example smoking cigarettes or as you mentioned vaping cannabis. Yes it is common sense anything but air in the lungs is bad, but how harmful?
Reigon? World man, these wars have ripple effects that totally skew some people into full blown racists. Hell, that poor kid got shot by his landlord recently.
I'm a survivor junkie and put in some time to deep rock survivor. I like that it really mixes a survivor game with deep rock mechanics, I'm looking forward to it.
I see reviews talking about the shoes falling apart after a month or two. If you have them, how did they hold up?
For SSO, are you talking about Google Authenticator? I was able to switch to Aegis, which is just an open source alternative, but does the same thing, except you are not forced to back up to Google.
I saw in another thread some like him as he did some sort of crime reform or prisoner release, I agree though it is thinking that requires a few steps backwards before it works
Hopefully homeboy is dropping the soap before he has the chance to run again
They buy things based on how they will be perceived for owning it.
The article says they don't want Tesla's because of the guy running the company, not because of their perception for owning it.
I mean really you can just have your phone play fart noises, the sound doesn't matter as long as it's loud enough
Thanks for info about Google ads great to know
The issue comes down to not everyone wanting to see the same content. I use sync and don't care about seeing posts for it. Upvote, hide read, move on.
But if you don't care about sync it can be understandably annoying. Everyone has different preferences
My only concern is league of legends. is it possible to run from neobara in vm? worst case I lose league. actually that sounds like the best case