
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 10 months ago (9 children)

What a crock of shit. Practically every historian says it was caused by soviet policy. The only debate that occurs if whether it was due to stupidity or intentional genocide.





I could keep going. Gonna tell me how the Holocaust was a lie too?

[–] 2 points 10 months ago (24 children)

Woohoo both systems suck. You can actually believe that just because one system is bad, what is considered the opposite is also bad. Marx was not some omniscient doctor manhattan. He had some ideas. Some were good critiques on capitalist culture. Others were fantasy that do not function in the real world.

[–] -1 points 10 months ago (1 children)

I'm sure there were extra houses after all those people that starved to death.

[–] -1 points 10 months ago

Yeah those soviets sure got rid of the homeless problem. Can't be homeless when you were intentionally starved to death.

[–] 4 points 11 months ago (2 children)

Does this game have pvp? I haven't played any diablo. But if this is just PvE and people can easily remove someone from a group, then I fail to see this as anything other than them milking IAPs. If it has PvP or something then i can understand.

[–] 38 points 11 months ago (14 children)

The number given by the same Hamas health dept that said Israel killed 500 when they bombed a hospital? Even though it wasn't Israel, it wasn't the hospital, and it wasn't nearly 500 people?

I'm sure a lot have died. And definitely too many civilians. And from where I sit, I'd think Israel should do at least some things differently. But if the hospital situation taught us nothing else, it should have taught us to not quote stuff from Hamas without another source.

[–] 0 points 11 months ago

I had never seen the app before this article so I went to have a look.

So most headlines in the Israel Gaza section are very British related and pretty bland and not bad headlines (british-israeli national killed, no more police powers planned over 'jihad' chants...). But some can at least be said to not be spin to support Israel (Jenrick warns more lives likely to be lost in Gaza). I might argue that

Cleverly confirms trucks carrying lifesaving aid are beginning to cross Rafah border into Gaza

is biased towards Israel, given that last I read it was limited to only 20 trucks, this isn't mentioned, and it also isn't in the article. But it is worth mentioning the article is written by AP.

They also still have the headline saying the Israeli airstrike killed hundreds in a hospital.

And some of the other examples of media bias is not covered very well. The AP and BBC reporters that were suspended definitely had some tweets that would violate most media code of conduct. One called it a morning of hope after the attacks in Israel. One has been arguing that Israel has been commiting genocide since 1948.

The cartoonist that they don't even mention by name, didn't have his contract renewed and has had multiple issues especially with his depictions concerning Israel. And he's either a liar or dumb as fuck. I can almost excuse him claiming he did not realize the pound of flesh thing with the one cartoon claiming it was a call back hardly anyone would get. You know except for the scalpel difference, the context being different, and what it said. But holy shit some of his other cartoons. Putting a Palestinian in the oven between Netanyahu and Theresa may and arguing that it is absurd for people to connect it to the Holocaust. Drawing a Hindu as a bull. Maybe he is just that fucking stupid, but I can see why they wouldn't keep him any longer. After 4 decades maybe they don't like explaining simple concepts to him.

The MSNBC situation seems like the one with the best case, except for a couple of issues. 1) is that one of the sources the cite (the nypost which is a rag of a paper, tbf) talks about how pro-palestine coverage is on MSNBC and 2) one of the complaints from Velshi is pretty out of line. It seems someone (likely Jewish from what was said) was making an event to allow people affected by the attack to be able to come together. It clearly says an event about the attack in Israel. That they would have a rabbi. And the producer said why no Palestinian representatives? Well the event was about the attack. Now, there is a valid complaint that there should also be an event for people mourning and hurting from the casualties in Palestine. But it doesn't have to be the same event. That's not the same thing.

All media is biased. I'm biased. You're biased. That being said, evidence would be nice. Like the document they circulated or example headlines. At least this site does offer links to sources.

[–] 5 points 11 months ago

Then we must help the poor thing recover. I suggest we start by giving them world leaders chosen by random dice rolls. Because I don't want to give them babies, but since the world leaders already feed on baby blood, they'll still get that rejuvenation.

[–] 8 points 11 months ago (2 children)

Open it. This world needs to awaken the demon vampires to save us all.

[–] 3 points 11 months ago

So I left out that somewhere late in the movie she cut it off, but it was literally at the end of the last class (with her) and I couldn't remember what scene it was. I was thinking it was the man ass in the shower but that would've been to early. Now I remember she was heated after "let's beat these bitches" and ended it at "now that's a titty." But she said turn it off, I got up to do it because I didn't want her to take my tape. The bell rang. I grabbed my video and bolted out of the door. Did not see her again until next year.

[–] 10 points 11 months ago (2 children)

So back when I was in school, I took home ec. For some reason close to the end of the year, the fairly religious teacher said if we all were able to not take her exam (allowed by the school if you had an A), then we could pick a movie to watch for the last couple of classes. We did it.

So some context, I fucked with this teacher all year. She'd bring up some religious shit and I'd press her on her religious ideas. She had a project where we had to carry around a fake baby, when I was supposed to return it, I had a friend watch it the hall while I told her I had an abortion. Clothes we had to make? All black. Sometimes I was a little teenage asshole, but sometimes she maybe should've left Jesus at home. And while sometimes I got to her, she mostly took it well. But she definitely knew I was one to fuck around.

Day before the movie she is definitely already on summer vacation in her head, because she asks what movie we wanted to watch (we have to supply the movie) and I instantly said Half baked. It got some laughs and a couple of girls saying yeah! That one. But I figured she'd go "haha but really pick something I'll let you watch."

Nope. She says OK. Whatever we want. I do a double take. Ask if she is sure? She makes sure I can bring it and gives me the all clear.

I watched her face more than I watched the movie. It was amazing when she realized what she had allowed. But to her credit, she let the movie roll on. And nothing happened. We didn't have smart phones to post it to a Twitter that didn't exist yet. No one had furious parents calling for her head. Shit, I don't think news of it even reached administration. In spite of me telling the story to literally everyone with ears. If it did, they didn't give a fuck. She was still the teacher when I visited some family in town years later.

I forgot about that until this post. Thanks op for helping me reminisce.

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