
joined 1 year ago
[–] 7 points 1 year ago

I'd like there to be an OLED option for people who use handheld mode heavily and want to pay more for a better display. But for the base model, it makes total sense for it to be an LCD display. That's just prudent, as the average player probably doesn't care and wants to pay less. Especially parents buying this at Christmas.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

Awesome information, thank you so much!

[–] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Thanks, I didn't realize there was an expansion. I'm not sure if GamePass includes it so I'll look into it.


I have never played any of the Dragon Age games, but I just gained access to the GamePass tier that has EA games, so I can play any of them.

I absolutely love all of Bioware's "classic" works (KOTOR, Mass Effect) where conversation choices affect the plot of the game. Would you guys recommend just playing the Dragon Age games in order of release, or what is the general consensus?

[–] 10 points 1 year ago

IMO it's very condescending that there is a Russia-Africa summit where all the leaders of Africa are summoned to St Petersburg (and the US does the exact same thing with the US-Africa summit). As if they need to come and pay tribute.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago (5 children)

It must be incredibly frustrating to be the new CEO that he just appointed, only to have him continuing to run his mouth and make ruinous decisions that tie your hands.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago (5 children)

Are you a developer of both Lemmy and Jerboa? I just realized I think I've seen your name in both places. You are a freaking hard worker!!!


Hi everyone, although I am not personally socialist, I come in peace with a question that I am seeking to learn.

Within capitalism, the concept of "limited liability" is common. Essentially, the owners of a firm cannot be held personally liable for the wrongs of the firm. If Toyota makes dangerous airbags, the personal home of the executives cannot be seized to pay victims. Only company assets can be liquidated.

How does this work within a Marxist framework where the workers are the owners of the "firms" (or of the manufacturing plant). For example, imagine that a worker-owned plant makes faulty airbags through negligence. Would the workers be personally liable? Or would the concept of limited liability remain, and the worst that could happen would be the liquidation of the plant to repay victims' families?

Thank you for hearing my question!