
joined 1 year ago
[–] 4 points 1 month ago (3 children)

I've never had a scarecrow wrecked. Can that actually happen?

[–] 3 points 2 months ago

The more of the Cosmere you read, the more things will connect and the clearer the picture will be. Every time I re-read SA, I see new connections I'd missed before. Some of that is familiarity with the magics of other planets, because that changes your read from "character did a weird thing" to "hey! that's magic from this other planet; why/how has it turned up here?"

In the earlier books, the crossovers between worlds/magics and the underlying "how things work" are more subtle and you'll miss things on first read. In more recent books, it's more overt.

Some of that is because of how much the protagonists themselves understand. For example, in the first Mistborn trilogy the characters really don't understand what's going on on their own planet, so of course you don't get a good explanation. In Secret History, the POV character does run into people who know quite a lot about what is going on, so when Secret History revisits the events of the main trilogy you're able to understand the forces driving those catastrophic events.

The characters in SA started off thinking magic wasn't real and knowing nothing about realms and worlds beyond their own. They are learning a lot through their spren and Hoid, but there is still a lot that they don't know. And you as the reader are learning along with them.

[–] 4 points 3 months ago (1 children)

The training rod is definitely not a new addition. I used it in my first game a couple of years ago because I found fishing too hard. There was a dialogue where Willy asked me how I was finding the fishing, and one of my options to reply was "it's too hard". Then he told me to buy the training rod. I don't know if it was available before that; I never looked. But try talking to Willy when you see him and maybe it will come up?

The lake outside the mine is a good place to start. You get carp there, and sometimes they never leave the position your bar starts in, so you don't even have to do anything to catch them - free XP!

[–] 5 points 4 months ago

Prequel to Wall-E.

[–] 3 points 4 months ago (2 children)

You can boil them to extend shelf life. Once a food is cooked, you have another week (approximately) to use it before it goes off - maybe a little longer for eggs still in unbroken shells. Boil them, store them in the fridge, and add them to meals over the next week.

[–] 2 points 4 months ago (1 children)

I just finished Dragonsteel Prime. I read Way of Kings Prime when it was released (so: not recently). Dragonsteel (canon) hasn't been written yet, so I'm not sure what you want to compare DP to?

Brandon has commented that Dragonsteel (Prime) never got published because the story didn't really work. Some elements of it eventually turned up in Stormlight, of course.

I enjoyed both Prime books as a look at early versions of characters, settings, and magics. Reading WoKP after several Stormlight books, it was a little jarring to have a character die in Prime who is very much alive (as of SA4). DP didn't do that to me; and as much as Brandon says there's an early version of Shallan in that book, it felt like a wholly different character. I quite enjoyed getting to know Frost a little bit, and seeing early Hoid.

[–] 2 points 6 months ago

If you already have the cheese on hand, do an experiment. Cut off a piece and freeze it overnight. Next day, defrost it and see how it is. Because the issue you're concerned about is change to texture or taste after freezing and thawing, you only need to leave it long enough to be fully frozen through - not as long as you normally would for storage.

(You wouldn't want to buy a bulk size piece of meat/cheese just to experiment, but if you already have some on hand it's worth trying for yourself to find out if you'll find the result satisfactory.)

[–] 2 points 6 months ago (1 children)

Shipping costs for the set bundles are listed on the campaign page. If you want add-ons, that will be extra and calculated later.

It does say somewhere that Dragonsteel will cover import duties for all international backers.

So really, the only unknown is shipping for add-ons. If shipping cost is a stress, maybe stick to the bundles with fixed shipping costs?

[–] 1 points 8 months ago

The comet would be super cool. Haven't seen one of those in a while.

[–] 2 points 9 months ago

Well - unless I am having a major mental blank, Mistborn and Stormlight are the only two series in the Cosmere. Some of the books which are currently standalone may get sequels eventually.

I think this link is actually pretty close to what you're looking for: It's just that the table format is a bit "wall of text". But you only need the top portion which is the Cosmere works, and they are grouped by series (or by planet, if it's not a series).

[–] 2 points 10 months ago (1 children)

I did VegeSafe last year after reading an article about the potential for lead concentrating in homegrown eggs and veggies. Our house (and neighbourhood ) date from the era of lead bring in paint and petrol, so I wanted to check.

Thankfully the only area of this yard that came back as a red flag was the dripline (i.e. next to the house), so we should be okay as long as we grow our food away from the building.

[–] 0 points 1 year ago (2 children)

I honestly don't know how I'm going to vote. Something is needed, but is it this?

I agree with a concern from the 'no' camp, that this ends up being a bandaid or virtue-signalling; and if it passes then "job well done" and we don't keep moving forward.

Otoh, I very much fear that if the result is 'no', we have collectively just affirmed racism - the overt, the systemic, and the subtextual.

I have family planning to vote both ways, and they have put considered thought into their positions, not just gut reactions.

But I don't know, for me. I don't think I can in good conscience vote 'no', but I have not yet convinced myself that I can vote 'yes'.

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