So there's apparently a memecoin site with the not-at-all suspicious name and Coffeezilla made a video about it on his second channel.
Also: Epilepsy warning for that site. It's full of flashing colors and moving elements like late 90s Geocities.
I have no idea what the fuck is even going on there, but apparently people threaten to kill themselves or their animals if you don't invest in their shitcoin there, or run actual cockfights where they murder the chickens live on stream if the line doesn't go up.
I'd say lol but I'm like 72% sure this is straight out of the video game industry's playbook and very much intentional to create hype because everyone has forgotten this shit even exists.
Also, I'm still waiting for just one use case for video-generating autoplag that is, even in theory, not either morally reprehensible or outright criminal.