
joined 2 years ago
[–] lowprofile@lemmy.world 2 points 1 year ago

Hi, I just checked with Emisar D2, running the lastest release 2023-12-03, and all is working as displayed on the diagram. From ON, 10H leads to Ramp Extras Config (for Advanced UI), with 4 Turbo style setting. From ON, for 7H there is no 4 Turbo style setting. From OFF, 10H leads to config Simple UI, and there is 4 Turbo setting (for Simple UI). There is no redundant Turbo style setting, as one is for Advanced UI, and the other is for Simple UI.

Maybe some confusion is caused because both 7H from ON (config current ramp) as well as 10H from OFF (config Simple UI) lead to Ramp Config, but this way, some space can be saved on the diagram page layout, because there is no need to display two separate Ramp Config textboxes. In Ramp Config, after 4 Turbo style setting, in the diagram (only 10H) is displayed, indicating that this setting is only for config Simple UI, 10H from OFF.

I am hopeful that this addresses the issue, and may have clarified things. :)

[–] lowprofile@lemmy.world 1 points 1 year ago

Great, thank you!

[–] lowprofile@lemmy.world 1 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Apart from the "smooth steps", there has since been one more material change: the channel mode for the strobe modes is now individually saved per strobe mode. This allows to set a different channel mode for each suitable strobe mode.

This change was introduced with revision 753, 2023-08-24, and documented in the text manual with revision 783, 2023-10-12.

I have checked with Emisar D2, running ToyKeeper's latest release, anduril.2023-10-01.emisar-2ch.hex, and indeed, the channel mode is saved per strobe mode. So this is working.

This would be an addition to the Advanced UI diagram: "saved per strobe mode" could be added in Strobe Modes Actions 3C, which could then for example read 3C: Next channel mode (except Police Strobe), saved per strobe mode.

In addition, here comes a slight detail for consistency in the Advanced UI diagram: in Blinky/Utility Modes, it should maybe read Thermal Config instead of currently Thermal Configuration, as everywhere else in the diagram, it reads Config.

[–] lowprofile@lemmy.world 2 points 2 years ago

Awesome! (and nothing silly here) :-)

[–] lowprofile@lemmy.world 2 points 2 years ago (2 children)

Idea for the initial post (showing on top): Maybe it would be useful to also have the diagram (PNG) for Simple UI show up? As far as I can tell, there is one image that can function as a thumbnail at the very top (should probably just stay the Advanced UI PNG, as presently), but maybe in the text below, either the Simple UI PNG or both, Advanced UI PNG and Simple UI PNG, could be displayed (displaying both underneath each other would show them together and make clear that they belong together; and Anduril novices might want to start off with the Simple UI diagram and could see that one right away). This way, the Simple UI diagram would get more and immediate attention as well.

[–] lowprofile@lemmy.world 4 points 2 years ago (2 children)

Hi, multi-channel Emisar D2 user here, Model number 0135, emisar-2ch, using ToyKeeper's latest Anduril 2 version, anduril.2023-08-07.emisar-2ch.hex: At my end, momentary turbo 3H/4H works just fine and as expected, so I do not have the same behavior.

4H from ON for momentary turbo works with every channel mode, whether there is tint ramping or not, and 3H from ON for momentary turbo works when there is no tint ramping with the selected channel mode; all exactly as displayed in the diagram.

[–] lowprofile@lemmy.world 1 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Great! Those commands are looking just fine. Good to hear that you got this sorted.

[–] lowprofile@lemmy.world 2 points 2 years ago (5 children)

As a D2 owner, to confirm a couple of things: My D2 originally shipped with Anduril version number 2021-12-13-0135 as well. Model number 0135 was originally named emisar-d4sv2-tintramp, and is now named emisar-2ch, cf. https://toykeeper.net/torches/fsm/anduril2/MODELS. Over there, it is also specified as attiny1634.

Scrolling down https://toykeeper.net/torches/fsm/anduril2/, you will find the latest emisar-2ch version at the bottom, currently indeed anduril.2023-08-07.emisar-2ch.hex. Over there, you will also still find anduril.2021-12-13.emisar-d4sv2-tintramp.hex.

For instructions specifically for backing up, cf. for example https://anduril.click/flashing/avrdude.html#backing-up.

Usually, I am using ZFlasher AVR via mobile phone (Android), which is very straightforward, but I just checked with avrdude (on Linux), and I had no difficulties with pinging the device, backing up, and updating, while using the instructions over at https://anduril.click/flashing/avrdude.html.

Finally, cf. https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~toykeeper/flashlight-firmware/multi-channel/view/head:/ToyKeeper/spaghetti-monster/anduril/hank-cfg.h to see which modifications Hank lights have from stock Anduril 2. Recently, a couple of functions were allowed in Simple UI, namely ramping toggle as well as aux config and strobe modes.